Supported Technologies Roadmap

This chart summarizes server-side dependency recommendations for past & current releases, and predictions for upcoming releases.

Do not use: not yet available or tested with this version of LabKey
         Recommended: fully supported and thoroughly tested with this version of LabKey
Upgrade ASAP: deprecated and no longer supported with this version of LabKey
Do not use: incompatible with this version of LabKey and/or past end of life (no longer supported by the organization that develops the component)


ComponentVersionLabKey 24.3.x
(Mar 2024)
LabKey 24.7.x
(Jul 2024)
LabKey 24.11.x
(Nov 2024)
LabKey 25.3.x
(Mar 2025)
LabKey 25.7.x
(Jul 2025)
Java Java 18+
Java 17 (LTS)          
PostgreSQL 17.x      



LabKey Server requires a modern browser for many advanced features, and we recommend upgrading your browser(s) to the latest stable release. As a general rule, LabKey Server supports the latest version of the following browsers:

If you experience a problem with a supported browser feel free to search for, and if not found, post the details to the support forum so we're made aware of the issue.


LabKey requires a Java 17 JDK; this is the only version of Java that LabKey supports. (LabKey does not support JDK 18 and higher.) We strongly recommend using the latest point release of Eclipse Temurin 17 64-bit (currently 17.0.13+11), the community-supported production-ready distribution of the Java Development Kit produced by the Adoptium Working Group. LabKey performs all development, testing, and deployment using Eclipse Temurin 17. Version 17 is a Long Term Support release (LTS), meaning that LabKey deployments can use it for an extended period, though groups should regularly apply point releases to stay current on security and other important bug fixes.

You must run the Java 17 JVM with these special flags --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/ --add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.desktop/java.awt.font=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.text=ALL-UNNAMED to allow certain libraries to function properly. (Note that LabKey's standard startup scripts add these flags automatically.) We will upgrade the libraries as soon as they fully support the changes made in JEP 396.

LabKey Server has not been tested with other Java distributions such as Oracle OpenJDK, Oracle commercial Java SE, Amazon Corretto, Red Hat, Zulu, OpenJ9, etc.


LabKey does not recommend a specific version of Linux, but you will need to use one that supports the versions of Tomcat, Java, your database, and any other necessary components for your version of LabKey Server.


For installations using PostgreSQL as the primary database, we recommend using the latest point release of PostgreSQL 17.x (currently 17.2).

For those who can't transition to 16.x yet, LabKey continues to support PostgreSQL 16.x, 15.x, 14.x, and 13.x, though here also we strongly recommend installing the latest point release (currently 16.6, 15.10, 14.15, and 13.18) to ensure you have all the latest security, reliability, and performance fixes. Note: PostgreSQL 12.x reached end of life on November 14, 2024. As such, LabKey deprecated support for this version in v24.11 and removed all support in v24.12. Deployments using PostgreSQL 12.x must upgrade to a supported version before upgrading to LabKey v24.12 or beyond.

PostgreSQL provides instructions for how to upgrade your installation, including moving your existing data.


Previous Version

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