This topic covers management of user accounts in LabKey Sample Manager. Only Administrators can perform these actions via the Administration option on the user menu. For a walkthrough of this process, follow the Sample Manager tutorial step: Tutorial: Add Users and Assign Roles.

Add Users

To add one or more new users, an administrator first selects Administration from the user menu, then clicks Create.

In the popup:

  • Enter one or more email addresses, each on it's own line for each user you want to create.
  • Select the desired Role for the users you are creating:
    • Reader (default): Can read but not edit anything in LabKey Sample Manager.
    • Editor: Can enter new information and edit some existing information.
    • Administrator: Can perform all administrative functions.
    • Note that all users added at once are assigned the single role you select. You can change these role assignments later.
  • Leave the box checked if you want to Send notification emails to all new users. These invitation emails will include a link for the new user to create a password and log in.
    • If you uncheck this box, no email will be sent.
  • Optional Message: If you have checked the box to send email, you can add an optional additional message to include in the invitation email to your new users.
  • Click Create Users.
You will see the new user(s) added to the grid.

The new user will receive an email with a link to set a password and log in. If the new user should lose their initial invitation email, an admin can trigger the sending of another by selecting the row for that user and clicking Reset Password in the user details. See below.

Manage Users

To manage users, an administrator selects Administration from the user menu.

You will see a grid of the active users already present in your Sample Manager project. You can use search, sort, and filter options on this user grid.

View User Details

To view the details for any user in the grid, check the box for that user. Details including effective roles are shown in a panel to the right.

From this panel, an administrator can click the buttons at the bottom to perform these actions on this individual user.

  • Reset Password: Send this user an email with a link to set a new password in order to access the site.
  • Deactivate
  • Delete
Click the user's Display Name in the grid to see even more details for that user.

Deactivate Users

Deactivated users may no longer log in, but their display name and group membership information will be retained for display and audit purposes. If the user is reactivated at a later time, this information will be restored. Deactivation is the recommended action for former employees, for example.

To deactivate a user, an administrator has two options:

  1. Check the box to select a single user you want to deactivate. Click Deactivate in the User Details panel on the right.
  2. You may also select one or more users simultaneously using the checkboxes in the grid, then select Manage > Deactivate Users.
For either option, you will be asked to confirm that this is the action you want to take by clicking Yes, Deactivate in a popup.

Note that if you are using Sample Manager with a Premium Edition of LabKey Server, you may want to remove this user's access to the Sample Manager project by revoking all permission roles, instead of deactivating them completely from the system.

Delete Users

Deletion of a user is permanent and cannot be undone; it is generally not recommended. A deleted user's display name will no longer be shown with any assignments or actions taken by that user. A deleted user cannot be reactivated to restore any information.

Instead of deleting, deactivation is recommended for any user who has performed any work in the system in the past.

One scenario in which deletion might be appropriate is if you originally create a new user with an incorrect email address or other error.

To delete a user, an administrator has the same two options as for deactivation:

  1. Check the box to select a single user you want to delete. Click Delete in the User Details panel on the right.
  2. You may also select one or more users simultaneously using the checkboxes in the grid, then select Manage > Delete Users.
You will be warned that deletion is permanent and need to click Yes, Permanently Delete to proceed.

View Inactive Users

Notice that the grid reads Active Users by default. To view the grid of deactivated users instead, select Manage > View Inactive Users.

You can check a box to see details for inactivated users, and buttons are offered to Reactivate and Delete a single user.

On the grid of interactive users, the Manage menu actions are also slightly different. You can select one or more rows to reactivate or permanently delete users. You can also switch back to the grid of active users.

Use Manage > View All Users from either view to see the combination of active and inactive users.

Manage Roles and Assignments

Once users have been defined, an administrator can assign them one of the three available permission levels:

  • Editors: May add new information or edit data related to samples, assays, and jobs.
  • Readers: Have a read-only view of the application.
  • Administrators: Have full control over the application. This includes user management, permission assignments, and creating and editing sample types, assays, and job templates.

Assign Editor and Reader Roles

Reopen user management if you closed it by selecting Administration from the user menu. Click the Permissions section.

To add a user to either the Editor or Reader role:

  • First click the role section. You'll see the current members of that role.
  • Click the Add member dropdown and select each user to add by email address.
    • Selected users will be shown in the panel for the role as you go.
    • Each time you select a user, the details for that user will be shown on the right to assist you.
  • In the image below, the Editor role is being granted to users named "team lead" and "lab technician"; the Reader role is being granted to the "reviewer".

Click Save.

Assign Administrator

Administrators have full control over the application. This includes user management, permission assignments, and creating and editing sample types, assays, and job templates.

Note that administrator permissions work differently when Sample Manager is used with a premium edition of LabKey Server. Learn more in this topic:

The first user login created on the Sample Manager application is always an administrator. To assign the administrator role to others, any administrator can choose Administration from the user menu, then click the Settings tab.

Click the Administrators panel and use the Add member dropdown to select the user to assign the administrator role.

Remove Users from Roles

To remove a level of access for a given user, reopen the interface for granting that role and click the X for the user you want to delete from the role. Removing a user from a role does not deactivate or remove the user account itself.

A note about role-based permissions: Users can be assigned multiple roles in the system and each is independent. If a user is both Editor and Reader, removing them from the Reader role will not in fact remove that user's ability to read information in the system, because they also have that access via the Editor role.

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