Samples often get categorized as scientists are tracking them. By defining and using Sample Status values, your users can easily tell whether samples are available, consumed, or locked (unavailable). When an administrator adds additional status values for these states, users can tell at a glance more details like which samples have been shipped, received, are in use, are offsite, etc.

Manage Sample Statuses

The Sample Manager application has 3 built-in statuses, also representing three main types of status:

  • Available: Can be used.
  • Consumed: Used up, and no longer can be aliquoted or checked out, but remains in the system for analysis and tracking.
  • Locked: Not currently available, but may later become available.
From the main menu, click Sample Types then click Manage Sample Statuses.

Scroll down to find the current set of defined statuses. A lock icon indicates that there are currently samples "using" that status value so that it may not be deleted and its type cannot be changed. Additional status values can be defined that mean the same things. For example, "Received" might be an interim internal status on they way to full availability. Once the sample was assigned a storage location, it might be switched to full "Available" status.

Samples in certain statuses will be prevented from certain actions, both in the UI and enforced by the server. For example, a Locked sample can't be deleted or checked out of storage, a consumed sample can't be aliquoted, etc. An administrator may, however, update the status of a sample if a mistake was made or conditions have changed.

View or Edit Status Details

Click the name of a status to see details on the right. Here you may edit the Label, Description, and for statuses not currently in use, you can change the Status Type.

Add New Status

The three main statuses correspond to the three main "status types" with different actions allowed for each type. Adding additional custom status settings can support your lab's procedures and user expectations. Click Add New Status and populate the fields on the right.

For example, you might add a new status named "Received" which is another form of the "Available" type of status, representing newly arrived samples which may need an additional step performed before they are officially "Available" to your users.

Assign Sample Status

Users can assign statuses to their samples throughout the system:

  • At sample creation
  • During file import of new or updated samples
  • When updating a single sample's details
  • In a bulk sample update
Aliquots have status values separate from their parent sample.

View Sample Status

Sample status information will be displayed in sample grids and on the sample overview and storage sample details pages. Color-coded blocks make it easy to see status at a glance. The name of the specific status will be shown, with the color applied based on the type of status it is:

  • Available: green
  • Consumed: yellow
  • Locked: red

Sample Status in Storage

These color codes are also used in storage views to indicate status. Hovering will give you more detail, as shown below for a locked sample.

Status of Samples on Picklists

Note that picklists created prior to the addition of the Sample Status feature will not include the Status column. Those created later will include it.

If you are using Sample Manager within a Premium Edition of LabKey Server, you can update older picklists to add this column. Learn more in this topic: Customize Sample Manager Grids.

Sample Count by Status Dashboard

On the main dashboard, you can see an overall picture of the status of your samples using the Sample Count by Status chart. A bar for each Sample Type is color coded to show how many samples of that type in each status. Sample statuses of the same main type (such as "Available" and "Received" in this image) will share the same color (in this case, green).

Hover over any bar segment for more details and click for the filtered set of samples of that type in that status; shown above, you'd see 260 "Available" Plasma samples.

Use the refinement menu, select All Statuses, With a Status, or No Status to control which sample statuses are displayed. For instance, using the No Status option, you can easily see and click through to the subset of samples that still need to have a status assigned, in this case in two sample types.

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