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This topic covers the details about how the Sample Manager and Biologics LIMS products will handle actions across projects

Cross-Project Actions

Summary of Functionality

This summary covers high-level behavior of for Samples and Sources (or other Data Classes), collectively referred to as "entities" when Projects are in use.

Reading of entities: You can read the current project's entities as well as the ones in the Home Project and "subprojects" you have permissions to read.

Referencing entities for lineage-type relationships: You can reference entities in the current project and the Home Project (assuming you have permissions to). You cannot reference entities in subprojects.

Creating entities: Entities are created in the effective project the user is viewing at the time the action is initiated. When viewing an individual entity, the project in which it was created is the effective project. When viewing a grid of data, the effective project is the project chosen in the project menu (that is, the one in the URL).

Updating entities: An entity can be updated from the (effective or actual) project in which it was created. We do not allow updating of multiple entities from different projects at the same time or from a project that entity was not created in.

Deleting entities: An entity can be deleted from the (effective or actual) project in which it was created. We do not allow updating of multiple entities from different projects at the same time.

Lookups: You can look "UP" but not down the project hierarchy. In the home project you will see only values defined in the home project. In a child project you will see values in both the current and home project.

  • An exception to this is the Sample Status dropdown which will show only status values as configured in the current project; it will not include home project options.

Detailed Cross-Project Actions

When Projects are in use, these notes apply to how some cross-project actions are handled:

  • Samples:
    • Individual sample creation in a grid allows parent types from the current project and projects above it. You cannot select parents from a "child" project of the current one.
    • Grid edit, sample derivation and deletion: Only works for entities in the current project.
    • File import only allows sample parent type and parent selection from the current project, as for grid editing.
    • Editing parent details for an individual sample only works when adding parents from the current project.
    • Derived or Aliquoted samples end up in the project where they are derived/aliquoted.
  • Sources (as well as Bioregistry and Media entities in Biologics LIMS):
    • Creating entities, either in a grid or via file import, allows parents and related entities to be chosen from the current project or projects above it in the hierarchy. You cannot select parents from a "child" project of the current one.
    • Editing in a grid or in bulk is only allowed for entities in the current project. To do editing, you must be in the project the entity belongs to and will see an error if you attempt to edit in the wrong location
    • Deleting is only allowed for entities in the current project.
    • Deriving samples from a data class (source, bioregistry type, or some media) allows parent data class objects from only the current project or a project above it.
  • Assay:
    • Imported assay data can reference samples in the current project or any 'higher' (parent) project, but cannot reference samples in sibling or 'lower' (child) project.
    • Imported assay data can also reference samples defined in the Shared project.
  • Storage:
    • Freezers (or other storage) can only be defined in the home project.
    • Learn more about shared freezers in this topic: Shared Freezers
  • Workflow:
    • Creation of workflow jobs using samples from different projects is possible both from any project.
    • The job that is created will belong to the project in which it was created, regardless of the samples included.
    • Additional samples from all visible projects can be added to existing jobs.
  • Picklists:
    • Creation of picklists using samples from different projects is possible from any project.
    • The picklist that is created will belong to the project in which it is created, regardless of the samples included.
    • The picklist will be visible in only the project in which it was created.
    • Additional samples from all visible projects can be added to existing picklists in the current project.
  • Notebooks:
    • Notebooks can reference entities from all projects visible in the current context.
    • Notebooks created from a parent project are also visible from any child project, and vice versa.
    • Notebooks created in any project can be submitted for review, or accessed for review, from any project.

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