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Premium Feature — Available in the Professional Edition of Sample Manager and with the Starter Edition when used with a Premium Edition of LabKey Server. Learn more or contact LabKey.

This topic describes how to edit and manage existing assay designs. To create new designs, see this topic: Describe Assay Data Structure

View All Assay Designs

The assays defined are all listed on the main menu under Assays. To see the list of assays as a grid, click the heading Assays.

You will see the Grid listing the name and description of each defined assay. The Active tab is shown by default; click the All tab to also see archived assay designs.

Manage Assay Design

Click the name of any assay from the main menu or grid to open the overview page for that assay. You will see the assay description, as well as a grid of runs.

In addition to the overview tab, tabs for runs and results for the assay are available in the upper left. Click Runs for the grid of runs and Results for the grid of result data.

From any page within the assay interface, you can click Import Data to import a new run.

Edit Assay Design

Click the name of any assay from the main menu or assay grid to open the overview page.

  • To edit the design select Manage > Edit Assay Design.
  • The panels for editing properties and fields in your assay will open.
  • Use the field editor to adjust as needed. Remember that if you delete any fields, all their data will be deleted as well.
  • When finished making changes, click Save.

Copy Assay Design

To copy the design select Manage > Copy Assay Design. This can be a convenient way to make many similar assay designs or add a new variation without losing the previous design.

Export Assay Design

This option is only available when Sample Manager is used with a Premium Edition of LabKey Server.

To export the assay design as a XAR file, select Manage > Export Assay Design.

Learn more about exported assay designs in the LabKey Server documentation

Delete Assay Design

Click the name of any assay from the main menu or assay grid to open the overview page.

  • To delete the design select Manage > Delete Assay Design.
  • Note that when you delete a design, all runs of data associated with it will also be deleted. Deletion cannot be undone.
  • Confirm in the popup to complete the deletion.

Archive Assay Design

Assay Designs can be hidden from certain views by unchecking the Active checkbox in the Assay Properties panel. Archived, or inactive, designs are not shown on the main menu or available for new data entry through Sample Manager, but existing data is retained for reference.

Using the archive option can be helpful when a design evolves over time. Making the older versions "inactive" will ensure that users only use the latest versions. An assay design may be reactivated at any time by returning to edit the design and checking the Active box again.

When viewing all assay data for a sample, both the active and archived assays will be shown if there is any data for that sample.

On the main Assays dashboard, you will be able to find inactive assays by switching to the All tab.

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