This topic describes how to edit the details and lineage for multiple samples either in a grid or with bulk setting of chosen fields.

To edit selected samples, select them on a grid or picklist using the checkboxes. If you are viewing a grid that contains samples of several types, you will first need to switch to the tab for the specific sample type before you can edit properties. Once you've selected the samples to edit, use the
Edit menu to select one of the options:
You can also bulk edit samples using the
Edit > Update from File option.
Edit in Grid
Learn more about options for editing data in grids in this topic:
See the current values for the selected samples, including storage amount and units.
- You cannot edit the sample ID or fields like generated Barcode values in the grid.
- If you have selected a mixed set of samples and aliquots, you will also see fields grayed out when they are not editable for both categories. For example, a field that is inherited by aliquots from the originating sample (i.e. only editable for samples) will not be editable here.
Edit in Bulk
Sample details, including amount and units, can be edited in bulk. If any Aliquots are selected when you edit samples in bulk, only the aliquot-editable fields will be shown in the modal and available for bulk editing. To bulk edit sample fields that are not aliquot-editable, be sure to only select non-aliquot samples before selecting this option.
In the update panel, click the slider to enable the fields that you want to assign the same value for all the selected samples. Hovering over the
will give you more detail about any field, such as for the
Status field, you'll see a
legend of available statuses. Shown below, the "Status" will be changed but the other fields will be left unchanged.

Edit with Grid to make further adjustments to details in the grid editor. Provide a
Reason for Update if desired
or required.
Update Samples when finished editing.
Edit Lineage
Edit the sources and parent samples for the selected samples. Lineage for aliquots cannot be edited.
The grid will show the current source and parent settings for the selected samples.
- To edit or add a selection to an existing column, click the or start typing, you will see a dropdown of matching options to choose from.
- To add a new parent or source association for these samples, click Add Parent or Add Source, select the desired type for the new association, then select values for the rows in the new column that will be added to the grid.
When finished editing, provide a
Reason for Update if desired
or required. Click
Finish Updating # Samples
Edit Sample Name
Note that you cannot edit the SampleID using any grid, bulk or file import method. To change the SampleID, you can
edit the individual sample's Details. Keep in mind that sample names must remain unique.
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