This topic describes how an administrator can configure LabKey applications, including Sample Manager and Biologics LIMS, to use
BarTender for printing sample labels. Once configuration is complete,
any user can send sample labels to the web service for printing.
Configure BarTender Integration
BarTender integration is supported when used with a BarTender Automation license. We have tested versions 2019, 2021, and 2022.
In the BarTender application, you will identify the web service URL and create the label file(s) for printing. The label file has the extension .btw. LabKey applications accept a default label file, but also allow the user to specify a different variant at the time of printing.
Include Print Portal
When you install BarTender, be sure to select
Specify advanced installation options, then select the
BarTender with Print Portal option. (It is included by default in version 2019.) To add Print Portal to an existing installation of BarTender, re-open the original installer file, select Modify, and select BarTender with Print Portal.
Create and Bind Self-Signed Certificate
The following script will:
- Create the certificate with the appropriate flags, including KeyUsageProperty.
- Export the certificate.
- Import the certificate to the local CA so it is trusted by browsers.
# Create Cert
$pwd = 'password'
$cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate -FriendlyName "BarTenderCert" -DnsName $env:COMPUTERNAME -CertStoreLocation "cert:LocalMachineMy" -KeyUsage DigitalSignature,KeyEncipherment,DataEncipherment -KeyAlgorithm RSA -HashAlgorithm SHA256 -KeyLength 2048 -KeyUsageProperty All -Provider "Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider" -NotAfter (Get-Date).AddYears(5)
$SSpwd = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $pwd -Force -AsPlainText
Export-PfxCertificate -Cert "Cert:LocalMachineMy$($cert.Thumbprint)" -FilePath bartender_cert.pfx -Password $SSpwd
Import-PfxCertificate -FilePath bartender_cert.pfx -CertStoreLocation "cert:LocalMachineRoot" -Password $SSpwd
echo $cert.Thumbprint
Finally, install/bind the certificate by passing in the cert's thumbprint to the BarTender Integration Builder (via the btin file below) using the Service > HTTPS > SSL configuration option.
Example BarTender Configuration File
Download this example to help you get started with BarTender 2021 or 2022:
For versions
prior to BarTender 2021, use this example:
Once deployed using the BarTender deployment wizard, the LabKey application would access at the following location (unless you edit the service name):
For versions prior to Bartender2021, use this URL:
Configure LabKey to Print BarTender Labels
Return to the LabKey application (Sample Manager or Biologics LIMS) and select
> Application Settings.
In the
BarTender Web Service Configuration panel, enter:
- BarTender Web Service URL: This is the URL of the web service to use when printing BarTender labels.
- Click Save to save it.
- Once you've saved the URL, you can use Test Connection to test your configuration.
Manage Label Templates
Add New Label Template for each template you want your users to be able to use. If you are using multiple
Folders, templates can only be defined in the top-level home.
- Name: Give the template an identifying display name your users will recognize.
- Description: The description can provide more detail.
- File Path: Provide the path to the label template file to use. The path should be relative to the default folder configured for the BarTender web service specified above.
- Set as Default: Click the selector if you want this template to be the default.
- You are not required to set a default, but if you do, it will be preselected when users print labels.
- For users of multiple Folders, there can be a different default template in each folder.
Once templates are defined, you can return to the
> Application Settings page to manage them.
- Click a template name to see or update details, including whether the template is the default.
- Select and then click Delete to delete a template.
Error Reporting
If there is a problem with your configuration or template, you will see a message in the popup interface allowing you a chance to verify or change the label template you've selected. If a change needs to be made to the underlying URL configuration, contact an administrator to retry the
configuration process.
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