Sample Manager Overview

Sample Manager Help
Sample Manager is an easy-to-use sample management system for any size lab. Each of these starting resources will open in a new tab:

LabKey Sample Manager is one of a suite of LabKey products designed to help you track the entire lifecycle of samples in your lab and all associated research data. The topics in this section will help you learn to use the Starter Edition of Sample Manager. All related products use the same general interface, adding additional functionality at each tier.

Sample Manager Starter Edition

The intuitive interface makes it easy to:

Sample Manager Professional Edition

With the Professional Edition of Sample Manager, you will have all of the Starter Edition features, plus be able to:


LabKey LIMS includes all features in the Professional Edition of Sample Manager, and adds more, including but not limited to:

Biologics LIMS

Biologics adds even more functionality to what is available with LabKey LIMS. Learn more here:


To return to this documentation from within the application, click the in the header bar.

More Answers

How Do I Know the Version of my Application

An administrator can see which version is running by selecting > Application Settings. The version is shown in the upper right of every tab in the Administration section.

Using Sample Manager with Google Translate

Note that if you are using Google Translate and run into an error similar to the following, it may be due to an "expected" piece of text not appearing in the displayed language at the time the application expects it. Try refreshing the browser or temporarily disabling Google Translate to complete the action.

Failed to execute 'removeChild' on 'Node': The node to be removed is not a child of this node.

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