Many sample creation and management actions for samples in storage can be completed directly from the storage view, simplifying the process. This topic outlines these options for stored samples:

Video Walkthrough

Watch the process of working with stored samples, including checking them in and out and discarding them to release the storage locations for other samples:

Create Samples from Stored Samples

When viewing samples in storage, you can create new derivatives, pooled samples, and aliquots directly. Use the grid view and select the Sample Type of the parent samples from which you want to create new ones. Choose the desired action from the Derive menu (under More > on some browser widths).

In the popup, select whether to create Derivatives, Pooled Samples, or Aliquots, specify how many new samples to create, then click Go to Sample Creation Grid. Enter the details as for other sample creation, then click Finish Creating ## Samples.

You'll see the green success banner and can immediately click Add them to storage if desired.

Add Stored Samples to Picklists and Jobs

To simplify storage workflows, you can also select samples in storage views and create new picklists and workflow jobs including them, or add them to existing picklists and jobs. You can use the tabs for the specific Sample Type, where you'll use the usual sample grid menus. Or from the "All Samples" tab or a storage grid view, select samples and choose the desired action from the Picklists or Jobs menu. Note that on narrower browsers, these buttons will be combined into a More menu.

Learn more about these processes in these topics:

Edit Storage Details

When a sample is initially added to storage, an initial freeze/thaw count can be provided (for temperature-controlled storage). The storage amount can be provided when the sample is first created or at any other time. If you need to edit these settings later, you can do so by clicking the sample, and clicking either icon in the Storage Details section to open an edit panel.

Update the information in the popup, enter a Reason for Update if required or desired, then click Update Sample to save your change. The reason will be retained in the audit log and timeline for the sample.

Discard Samples from Storage

The action of discarding a sample from storage does not result in removal of the sample information from the system, only that it is taken from an "In Storage" state to a "Not in Storage" state and the freeze/thaw count and storage location are dropped. This could be related to the consumption of all of the sample, and thus it's no longer being available, or could be temporary and the sample could be returned to storage later.

If instead you want to delete all data related to a Sample, follow the instructions here: Delete Samples.

Discarding samples will:

  • Remove them from your storage location views.
  • No longer retain their freeze/thaw counts (or allow them to be updated).
  • Prevent any further check outs or check ins.
  • NOT delete the data stored in the system about the samples.
When you discard a Sample via any of the methods described here, you have the option to update the status and amount of the sample.

You can discard one or more Samples from Storage in many places throughout the application, including:

  • From the Sample details page, select Discard from Storage from the Manage menu.
  • From a grid of Samples, select samples using the checkboxes and select Storage > Discard from Storage.
  • From the Storage View of the Sample(s) location, select the sample(s), then click Discard.

Update Sample Status and Amount During Discard

In all methods of discard, you will see a popup detailing the sample(s) you selected to discard. You'll see their locations, a color indicating type, and position information.

Use checkboxes to optionally update Sample details upon discard:

  • Set Sample Status: assign a new sample status at this time. By default, the status will be set to "Consumed" (as long as that status is defined). You can change this default as desired.
    • If you uncheck this box, all samples will be left with the status they had at the time of discard.
  • Update Sample Stored Amount: provide a new amount for all discarded samples. For example, consumed samples might now have a zero amount.
    • If you uncheck this box, the samples will retain the amounts they have at the time of discard.
Enter a Reason for Discarding to accompany the action, if required or desired, then click Yes, Discard Samples.

After discard, the Storage panel for a Sample will still show the amount set for the sample, and the time of discard, but will not retain the freeze/thaw count.

Export Storage Map

When viewing a terminal storage location, you can export a printable Storage Map to Excel. This can be useful when sharing with colleagues or to provide detailed data access for users going into a physical freezer location where there is no internet.

From the stored samples grid, choose > Storage Map (Excel).

The exported Excel file will provide a grid "map" matching the layout in the UI, providing details about the individual samples in each location. The default grid view of the Sample Type is used in this view, and on the right is a legend indicating the columns represented by each cell.

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