This topic describes how to use the Biologics application to create new entities, i.e. members of any data class in the bioregistry, including cell lines, molecules, nucleotide sequences, expression systems, etc. Users creating entities may specify a name, or have one generated for them using a naming pattern. Entity names can also be edited later. If desired, administrators may also hide the ability to specify or edit names.

Create Entities

In this example, we show creation of a new cell line. Other kinds of entities will have different fields that compose them, and may also have additional tabs in the creation wizard. See specific documentation listed at the end of this topic.

  • From the main menu, click the type of entity to create. Then select Create > [Entity Name].
  • Provide the details in the registration wizard:
  • Name: Provide a short unique name, or leave this field blank to have one generated using the naming pattern for this data class.
  • Description: Optional, but will be shown in the grids and can be a helpful way to illustrate the entity.
  • When the fields are completed, click Finish to create the new entity.

You can now return to the grid for this data class (i.e. cell lines) to find your new entity later.

Entity Naming Patterns

If you do not provide a name, the naming pattern for the data class will be used to generate one. Hover over the to see the naming pattern in a tooltip.

The default naming patterns in LabKey Biologics are:

EntityDefault Naming Pattern
Molecule SetsMS-${genId}
Molecular SpeciesMSp-${genId}
Protein SequencePS-${genId}
Nucleotide SequenceNS-${genId}
Expression SystemES-${genId}
Cell LinesCL-${genId}

To change a naming pattern, edit the Data Class definition.

Edit Entity Details

Open the details page for the entity by clicking its name on the grid for the data class. You will see Details, Samples, and Related Entities on the Overview tab.

  • Click to edit details.
  • Authorized users can edit the Name here, as well as other details shown in the panel.

Hide Name Entry/Edit Options

An administrator can hide the Name field for insert, update, or both by using Query Metadata overrides on a data class basis.

  • When insert of names is hidden, they will be generated using the naming pattern for the data class.
  • When update of names is hidden, names remain static after entity creation.
For example, to hide the Name field for cell lines for both insert and update use the following:

<tables xmlns="">
<table tableName="CellLine" tableDbType="NOT_IN_DB">
<column columnName="Name">

An administrator can also disallow user-defined names throughout the system as described in this topic:

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