These checklists explain how to install LabKey Server along with its prerequisite components. LabKey Server is a Java web application that runs under Apache Tomcat and accesses a relational database, either PostgreSQL or (with Premium Editions) Microsoft SQL Server. LabKey Server can also reserve a network file share for the data pipeline, and use an outgoing (SMTP) mail server for sending system emails. LabKey Server may optionally connect to an LDAP server to authenticate users within an organization.

If you are upgrading a prior installation of LabKey, follow the steps in this topic:

The following are the main prerequisites for installing LabKey:

  • Java - Specifically Eclipse Temurin.
  • Tomcat - Provides the web server framework.
  • PostgreSQL or Microsoft SQL Server (with Premium Editions) - Select one of these to serve as the database.
If you wish to evaluate LabKey Server, we recommend that you consider a hosted trial server instead of installing it locally.

Installation Checklist: Linux

To install on a Linux machine, complete the topics below:

  1. Install on Linux: Main Components - Assemble the main components.
  2. Installation: Tomcat Configuration - Configure the Tomcat web server.
  3. Installation: SMTP, Encryption, LDAP, and File Roots - Extend and optimize your installation.
  4. Installation: Third-Party Components - Add functionality via 3rd party applications.

Installation Checklist: Windows

To install on a Windows machine, complete the topics below:

  1. Install on Windows: Main Components - Assemble the main components
  2. Installation: Tomcat Configuration - Configure the Tomcat web server.
  3. Installation: SMTP, Encryption, LDAP, and File Roots - Extend and optimize your installation.
  4. Installation: Third-Party Components - Add functionality via 3rd party applications.


When configuring file systems, be sure not to place your full-text search index on an NFS filesystem or AWS EFS.

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