The Sample Comparison Report presents a view of assay data for selected samples, allowing you to compare samples between experiments and within the same experiment. Comparisons can be helpful for molecule candidate selection, experimental design, and quality control. For example, a sample comparison report that brings together antibody characteristics, transfection and clone identifiers, and assay data into a single view, can help inform design of the next experiment.

You can pass different groups of samples or experiments to the report to see specific results. Results can be filtered to display (1) only those samples related to a specific parent entity and/or (2) only results within a specific range of assay values. The report has three display modes: a details grid, a summary grid, and a graphical mode (scatter plot).

Create a Sample Comparison Report

To create a new report:

  • Select samples of interest and click Charts > Preview Sample Comparison Report.
    • OR
  • Navigate to an experiment and click Charts > Preview Sample Comparison Report.
  • The default report shows the first three columns of every assay for which there is data.

Refine the Report

You can filter the report by choosing a source parent entity and adding different combinations of value ranges. To filter which assays and fields are displayed, edit the JSON source directly.

In the example below, the report has been filtered down to the data pertaining to vector #1 and culture days 1-4.

You can also set ranges by directly drawing regions on the plot.

Save a Report

  • Save a report by clicking Save Report.
  • Enter a name, description, and click Save.

View Samples and Experiments in the Report

Once a report has been saved you can pass samples to it to view the results. To apply the report to selected samples, do the following:

  • Return to the Sample Type where you defined the report.
  • Select a group of samples.
  • Click Charts, and select the report name.

Edit JSON Source

Editing this report requires editing the JSON source. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Edit in LabKey.

Add, remove, reorder, and relabel field elements to control how assays are displayed. For example, the following JSON displays fields from two different assays:

"selectedColumns": [
"name": "SampleName",
"alias": "SampleName"
"name": "lactate",
"fieldKey": [
"type": "DOUBLE",
"schemaName": [
"queryName": "Data",
"sampleIdColumnName": "SampleId"
"name": "Culture Day (Lactate)",
"fieldKey": [
"type": "DOUBLE",
"schemaName": [
"queryName": "Data",
"sampleIdColumnName": "SampleId"
"name": "osmolarity",
"fieldKey": [
"type": "DOUBLE",
"schemaName": [
"queryName": "Data",
"sampleIdColumnName": "SampleId"
"name": "Culture Day (Osmolarity)",
"fieldKey": [
"type": "DOUBLE",
"schemaName": [
"queryName": "Data",
"sampleIdColumnName": "SampleId"

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