All Element Summary |
adjuvant (in adjuvants) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
adjuvantRef (in immunization) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
adjuvants (in studyDesign) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
advancedSearch (in freezerProConfig) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 2 attributes and 2 elements |
alias (in importAliases) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 2 attributes |
antigen (in antigens) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
antigens (in immunogen) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
ap:date (in ap:fieldKeys) |
Field key relative to the data/results table that gives the date for a given row of data
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ap:description (in ap:provider) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ap:domain |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Used: |
never |
ap:fieldKeys (in ap:provider) |
Contains field keys (column names, potentially with lookups) used to resolve various values
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 4 elements |
ap:fileName (in ap:transformScript) |
Simple file name (no path) of the script.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ap:fileSuffix (type extension of xs:string) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 attribute |
ap:inputDataFileSuffix (in ap:provider) |
Deprecated (use inputDataFile/fileSuffixes instead).
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ap:moduleName (in ap:requiredModules) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ap:name (in ap:provider) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ap:namespacePrefix (type xs:string) |
Namespace prefix to be used when creating the LSID for the input data file
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ap:participantId (in ap:fieldKeys) |
Field key relative to the data/results table that gives the ParticipantID for a given row of data
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ap:primaryDataFileType (in ap:provider) |
Information about the files to be used as inputs to this assay.
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
ap:provider |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Used: |
never |
ap:relatedDataFileType (in ap:provider) |
If there are related data files available on the server's file system
(ones that share the same base file name, with different suffixes/file extensions), they are
attached to the run at import time.
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
ap:requiredModules (in ap:provider) |
If provided, this set of modules will always be active in a given folder when an instance of this assay is present.
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
ap:role (type xs:string) |
The role name to be used for the file when it is used as the input to an assay run
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ap:saveHandler (in ap:provider) |
Class name of the custom save handler for this assay type.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ap:specimenId (in ap:fieldKeys) |
Field key relative to the data/results table that gives the SpecimenID for a given row of data
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ap:transformScript (in ap:transformScripts) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
ap:transformScripts (in ap:provider) |
Ordered list of transformation/validation scripts that must be run as data is
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
ap:visitId (in ap:fieldKeys) |
Field key relative to the data/results table that gives the VisitID for a given row of data
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ApiTests |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
Used: |
never |
assayDefinition (in assayDefinitions) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
assayDefinitions (in studyDesign) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
assayEvent (in assaySchedule in studyDesign) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
assayPlan (in study) |
The description of the assay plan for the study.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
assayRef (in assays) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
assays (in assaySchedule in studyDesign) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
assaySchedule (in study) |
The directory that contains the export data for Assay schedule information.
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
assaySchedule (in studyDesign) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
attachmentDir (in ReportDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
categories (in folder) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 attribute |
category (in ReportDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
category (type xs:string) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
cdiscConfig |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 8 elements |
Used: |
never |
cohort (in cohorts in studyDesign) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
cohort (in cohorts) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 3 attributes and 2 elements |
cohorts |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
Used: |
never |
cohorts (in study) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 5 attributes |
cohorts (in studyDesign) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
column (in columnMap) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 2 attributes |
column (in index) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
columnFilters (in freezerProConfig) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
columnMap (in freezerProConfig) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
comments (in study) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 4 attributes |
cv:aggregate (in cv:aggregates) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
cv:aggregates (in cv:customView) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
cv:analyticsProvider (in cv:analyticsProviders) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
cv:analyticsProviders (in cv:customView) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
cv:column (in cv:columns) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
cv:columns (in cv:customView) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
cv:customView |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Used: |
never |
cv:filter (type cv:filterType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
cv:filters (in cv:customView) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
cv:properties (in cv:column) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
cv:property (in cv:properties) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
cv:sort (in cv:sorts) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
cv:sorts (in cv:customView) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
cv:where (type xsd:string) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:actionConfig (in dat:PipelineOptions) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:aggregateRowOptions (type dat:AggregateRowOptions) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:auditLogging (type dat:AuditType) |
Defaults to 'NONE'.
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:autoFillValue (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
Not currently in use.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:backgroundColor (in dat:conditionalFormat) |
The six digit RBG color value for the background
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:bold (in dat:conditionalFormat) |
Whether the value should be rendered in bold text
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:buttonBarOptions (type dat:ButtonBarOptions) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:cacheSize (type xs:int) |
Optional maximum number of items from this table to cache in the application.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:int |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:className (in dat:displayColumnFactory) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:column (in dat:index) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:column (type dat:ColumnType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:columnIndex (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
Not currently in use.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:int |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:columns (in dat:sharedConfig) |
The collection of column objects used by all tables.
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
dat:columns (type anonymous) |
The collection of column objects within this table object.
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
dat:columnTitle (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
The column heading for this column in a data region.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:concept (in dat:ontology) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:conceptURI (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
An internal identifier for the concept of this column.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:conditionalFormat (type dat:ConditionalFormatType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:conditionalFormats (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
Conditional formats apply formatting options, such text and background colors, or bold text,
selectively based on the value of the cell.
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:datatype (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
The name of the SQL datatype of this column as would be specified in a CREATE TABLE statement.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:dbTableName (type xs:string) |
Not currently used.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:defaultScale (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
Defaults to 'LINEAR'.
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:defaultValue (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
The value that this column will take on if a value is not specified for
the column in a data insert (add record) operation.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:defaultValueType (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
The default value behavior of this column.
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:deleteUrl (type dat:StringExpressionType) |
URL string expression used to render the default delete link for this table.
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:derivationDataScope (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
Field editing scope for aliquots.
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:description (type xs:string) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:dimension (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
Defaults to false.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:displayColumnFactory (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
Fully qualified class name and properties for the that
this column uses.
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 2 elements |
dat:displayOption (in dat:actionConfig) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 3 attributes and 1 element |
dat:displayOption (in dat:links) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 3 attributes |
dat:displayWidth (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
The width in pixels to reserve for data values form this column
Supported for SQL metadata.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:errorMessage (in dat:validator) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:excelFormatString (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
Format string for the column, used when exporting to Excel.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:excludeFromShifting (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
Defaults to false.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:expandFileUpload (in dat:PipelineOptions) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:expression (in dat:validator) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:facetingBehavior (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
Defaults to 'AUTOMATIC'.
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:filePropertiesConfig (in dat:PipelineOptions) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:filter (in dat:filterGroup) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:filter (in dat:filters in dat:conditionalFormat) |
All filters must be satisfied to activate the formatting option - they are AND'd together.
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:filterGroup (in dat:filters in dat:fk) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:filters (in dat:conditionalFormat) |
All filters must be satisfied to activate the formatting option - they are AND'd together.
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:filters (in dat:fk) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
dat:filters (type cv:localOrRefFiltersType) |
Apply filters to the table underlying table.
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:filters (type cv:namedFiltersType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:fk (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
A structure that describes a foreign key relationship between a column in the current table and
a target column in another table.
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 8 elements |
dat:fkColumnName (in dat:fk) |
The name of the target column in the target table of the fk relationship.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:fkDbSchema (in dat:fk) |
The name of the schema in which the foreign key target is defined.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:fkDisplayColumnName (in dat:fk) |
The name of the column in the lookup's target that should be shown as the value.
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:fkFolderPath (in dat:fk) |
Absolute path to the folder containing the target table of the relationship.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:fkJunctionLookup (in dat:fk) |
Specify the junction lookup column in a many-to-many relationship.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:fkMultiValued (in dat:fk) |
Use to specify a multi-valued column.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:fkTable (in dat:fk) |
The name of the target table of the relationship, the "one" side of the many-to-one
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:formatString (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
A template that specifies how to format a value from the column on display output (or on export
if the corresponding excel- and tsvFormatString values are not set.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:gridConfig (in dat:PipelineOptions) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:gridUrl (type dat:StringExpressionType) |
URL string expression used to render the default grid view link for this table. see ColumnType.url.
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:hasDbSequence (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
True if the column is assigned an automatically incrementing value by the Java code for every
new row inserted.
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:importAlias (in dat:importAliases) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:importAliases (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
A collection of aliases by which this column may be named when importing from external files.
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
dat:importColumn (type xs:string) |
Name of column which holds the imported/provided/reported label for this concept.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:importEnabled (in dat:PipelineOptions) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:importMessage (type xs:string) |
A message that will be displayed on the default import page and will be appended to the top of the default
excel import template.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:importTemplates (type anonymous) |
A list of import templates that will be available for download on the default excel upload page.
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
dat:importUrl (type dat:StringExpressionType) |
URL string expression used to render the import data link for this table. see ColumnType.url.
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:includeColumnsList (type xs:string) |
For linked schemas only: Columns to be included by name in linked tables.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:includeScript (in dat:buttonBarOptions) |
Path to a client dependency that should be included as part of rendering this button bar.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:index (in dat:indices) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:indices (type dat:IndicesType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:inheritedTbarConfig (in dat:PipelineOptions) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:inputLength (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
The width of a text or select input control, in number of characters.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:int |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:inputRows (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
The number of rows of text to display if inputType = "textarea".
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:int |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:inputType (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
The HTML control type to use for data insert or edit into this column.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:insertUrl (type dat:StringExpressionType) |
URL string expression used to render the default insert view link for this table.
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:isAutoInc (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
True if the column is assigned an automatically incrementing value by the database for every
new row inserted.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:isDisplayColumn (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
Not currently in use.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:isHidden (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
Defaults to false.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:isKeyField (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
True if the column is the Primary Key or part of the Primary Key.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:isMvEnabled (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
Determines whether the column supports missing value indicators.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:isReadOnly (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
If true, column is assumed to be non-editable and is skipped during any update or insert
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:isUnselectable (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
Determines whether the column can be selected in the Query column chooser.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:isUserEditable (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
True if the column should be shown as editable by a user with appropriate permissions.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:italics (in dat:conditionalFormat) |
Whether the value should be rendered in italicized text
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:item (in dat:buttonBarOptions) |
The buttons to be added to the bar.
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:item (type dat:ButtonMenuItem) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:javaCustomizer (type dat:TableCustomizerType) |
An implementation of
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:keyVariable (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:labelColumn (type xs:string) |
Name of column to hold the label of the resolved concept.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:links (in dat:displayOption in dat:actionConfig) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:manageTableAllowed (type xs:boolean) |
Not currently used.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:manageTables (type xs:string) |
Not currently used.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:measure (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
Defaults to false.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:name (type xs:string) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:nextStep (type xs:string) |
Not currently used.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:nullable (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
Whether or not the column accepts NULLs.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:onChange (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
Not currently in use.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:onClick (type xs:string) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:onRender (in dat:buttonBarOptions) |
Name of a JavaScript function to be invoked when the button bar is rendered.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:ontology (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
This is a parent element for ontology related metadata.
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
dat:optionlistQuery (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
Not currently in use.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:originalText (in dat:item in dat:buttonBarOptions) |
If specified, the name of the default button to be renamed and added to the button bar.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:phi (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
Defaults to "Not PHI".
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:PipelineOptions |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 8 elements |
Used: |
never |
dat:pkColumnName (type xs:string) |
A comma-separated ordered list of the column name values that comprise the primary
key of the table.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:precision (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
For numeric columns only, describes the defined number of digits to the right of the decimal
place for values in this column.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:int |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:principalConceptCode (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
Ontology concept code associated with this column.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:properties (type dat:PropertiesType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:property (in dat:properties) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 attribute |
dat:property (in dat:validator) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:propertyURI (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
An internal identifier for the definition of this column.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:protected (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
Defaults to false.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:rangeURI (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
The rangeURI identifies the range of values that this column can accept which
can be more specific than the <datatype> property.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:recommendedVariable (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
Defaults to false.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:redactedText (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
Replacement string for redacted text.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:required (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
Whether or not the column is required on insert and update.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:scale (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
The defined maximum or fixed length of the data values in this column.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:int |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:scannable (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
Defaults to false.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:schemaCustomizer (type dat:SchemaCustomizerType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:sharedConfig (type dat:SharedConfigType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:shouldLog (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
Defaults to true.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:showFolderTree (in dat:PipelineOptions) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:shownInDetailsView (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
Defaults to true.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:shownInInsertView (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
Defaults to true.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:shownInLookupView (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
Defaults to false.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:shownInUpdateView (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
Defaults to true.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:sortColumn (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
If provided, the value of the provided column will be used when sorting this column instead of the actual value
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:sortDescending (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
True if the column values should normally be sorted in Descending order on first click.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:strikethrough (in dat:conditionalFormat) |
Whether the value should be rendered with a line through it
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:subtree (type xs:string) |
This is a slash ('/') separated path of concepts codes.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:table (type dat:TableType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:tableGroup (type xs:string) |
Not currently used.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:tables |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Used: |
never |
dat:tables (in esd:metadata) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:tableTitle (type xs:string) |
A preferred title for this table.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:tableUrl (type dat:StringExpressionType) |
URL string expression used to render the details link for each row in the table.
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:target (in dat:item : dat:ButtonMenuItem) |
URL to hit when the user selects the item.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:target (in dat:item in dat:buttonBarOptions) |
URL to hit when the user selects the item.
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:tbarBtnOption (in dat:tbarConfig) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 4 attributes |
dat:tbarConfig (in dat:PipelineOptions) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:template (in dat:importTemplates) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:textAlign (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
The horizontal alignment of a data value from this column in a grid.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:textColor (in dat:conditionalFormat) |
The six digit RBG color value for the foreground (text)
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:textExpression (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
Expression string for the column used when rendering the column value for display.
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:titleColumn (type xs:string) |
Specifies the name of the column to display when this table is used as a "lookup table" (i.e., when
it is the "references" target of a foreign key relationship).
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:tsvFormatString (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
Format string for the column, used when exporting in TSV format.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:typeURI (in dat:validator) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:updateUrl (type dat:StringExpressionType) |
URL string expression used to render the default update view link for this table.
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:url (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
A URL template to use when rendering this column's value.
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:urlTarget (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
The target attribute for URL links.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:validator (in dat:validators) |
Many validators may be specified for a column.
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:validators (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
Validators are tested at insert and update time.
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dat:value (in dat:property in dat:validator) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:valueExpression (in dat:column : dat:ColumnType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:versionColumnName (type xs:string) |
The column in the table that acts as a row version stamp for detecting changes to
the row.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dat:viewFilterItem (in dat:viewOptions) |
Describes a report builder configuration for a query table.
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 2 attributes |
dat:viewOptions (type dat:ViewOptions) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dataset (in datasets in datasets) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 9 attributes and 1 element |
dataset (in datasets in visit) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 2 attributes |
datasets |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 1 attribute and 1 element |
Used: |
never |
datasets (in datasets) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
datasets (in study) |
Provides information on the files that contain and describe the datasets in the study.
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 2 attributes and 2 elements |
datasets (in visit) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
defaultModule (in folderType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
defaultSequenceNum (type xsd:double) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:double |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
definition (in datasets in study) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 attribute |
demographic (in form) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
dependencies (type dependenciesType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
dependency (in dependencies) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
description (in ReportDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
description (type xs:string) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Nillable: |
??? (varies by location) |
Defined: |
disableLookups (in cdiscConfig) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
displayOrder (in ReportDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:int |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
esd:externalSchema |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Used: |
never |
esd:linkedSchema |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Used: |
never |
esd:metadata (type dat:MultiTablesType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
esd:tableName (in esd:tables) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
esd:tables (type anonymous) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
esd:templateSchema |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Used: |
never |
etl:alternateKeys (in etl:destination) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
etl:column (in etl:alternateKeys) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
etl:column (in etl:columnTransforms) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
etl:column (in etl:constants) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
etl:column (in etl:sourceColumns) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
etl:columnTransforms (in etl:destination) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
etl:constants (type etl:ConstantsType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
etl:cron (in etl:schedule) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
etl:deletedRowsSource (in etl:incrementalFilter) |
Defines a query with a list of rows to delete from the target in this incremental run.
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
etl:description (type string) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
etl:destination (in etl:transform) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
etl:etl |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Used: |
never |
etl:incrementalFilter (in etl:etl) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
etl:name (in etl:etl) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
etl:parameter (in etl:parameters) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
etl:parameter (in etl:pipelineParameters) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
etl:parameter (in etl:procedure) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
etl:parameters (in etl:etl) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
etl:pipelineParameters (in etl:etl) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
etl:poll (in etl:schedule) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
etl:procedure (in etl:transform) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
etl:schedule (in etl:etl) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
etl:setting (in etl:settings) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
etl:settings (in etl:taskref) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
etl:source (in etl:transform) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
etl:sourceColumns (type etl:SourceColumnsType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
etl:sourceFilter (in etl:sourceFilters) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
etl:sourceFilters (type etl:SourceFiltersType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
etl:taskref (in etl:transform) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
etl:transform (in etl:transforms) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
etl:transforms (in etl:etl) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
etls (in folder) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
exp:ActionSequence (in exp:ProtocolApplication) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
int |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:ActivityDate (in exp:ProtocolApplication) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
date |
Content: |
simple |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
exp:Alias (in exp:Material) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:alias (type exp:ImportAlias) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
exp:AliquotedFromLSID (in exp:Material) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:AliquotNameExpression (in exp:SampleSet) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:ApplicationInstanceCollection (in exp:ExperimentLogEntry) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 1 attribute and 1 element |
exp:ApplicationType (in exp:Protocol) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:AutoLinkCategory (in exp:SampleSet) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:AutoLinkTargetContainerId (in exp:SampleSet) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:Category (type xs:string) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:ChildProperties (in exp:PropertyObject) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
exp:Comments (type xs:string) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:CommonParametersApplied (in exp:ExperimentLogEntry) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
exp:concept (in exp:ontology) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
exp:ConceptURI (in exp:PropertyDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:ConditionalFormats (in exp:PropertyDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
exp:Contact (type exp:ContactType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
exp:ContactId (in exp:Contact) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:CpasType (type exp:CpasTypeNameType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:Criteria (type exp:ProtocolInputCriteria) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
exp:Data (type exp:DataBaseType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
exp:DataClass (in exp:DataClasses) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
exp:DataClasses (in exp:ExperimentArchive) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
exp:DataFileUrl (in exp:Data) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:DataInput (in exp:Inputs) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
exp:DataLSID (type extension of xs:string) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 4+any attributes |
exp:DataOutput (in exp:Outputs) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
exp:DefaultType (in exp:PropertyDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:DefaultValue (in exp:PropertyDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:DerivationDataScope (in exp:PropertyDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:Description (type xs:string) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:Dimension (in exp:PropertyDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:Domain (in exp:DomainDefinitions) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
exp:DomainDefinitions (in exp:ExperimentArchive) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
exp:DomainURI (type xs:string) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:Email (in exp:Contact) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:EndTime (in exp:ProtocolApplication) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
date |
Content: |
simple |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
exp:ErrorMessage (in exp:PropertyValidator) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:Experiment (in exp:ExperimentArchive) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
exp:ExperimentArchive |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Used: |
never |
exp:ExperimentDescriptionURL (in exp:Experiment) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:ExperimentLog (in exp:ExperimentRun) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 1 attribute and 1 element |
exp:ExperimentLogEntry (in exp:ExperimentLog) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
exp:ExperimentLSID (in exp:ExperimentRun) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:ExperimentRun (in exp:ExperimentRuns) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
exp:ExperimentRuns (in exp:ExperimentArchive) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 1 attribute and 1 element |
exp:Expression (in exp:PropertyValidator) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:FirstName (in exp:Contact) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:FK (in exp:PropertyDescriptor) |
A structure that describes a foreign key relationship between a column in the current table and a target column in another table.
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 3 elements |
exp:FolderPath (in exp:FK) |
Absolute path to the folder containing the target table of the relationship.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:Format (in exp:PropertyDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:Hidden (in exp:PropertyDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:Hypothesis (in exp:Experiment) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:ImportAlias (in exp:ImportAliases) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:ImportAliases (in exp:PropertyDescriptor) |
A collection of aliases by which this column may be named when importing from external files.
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
exp:importColumn (type xs:string) |
Name of column which holds the imported/provided/reported label for this concept.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:InputRefs (in exp:ProtocolApplication) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
exp:Inputs (in exp:Protocol) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 2 elements |
exp:InstanceDetails (in exp:ApplicationInstanceCollection) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
exp:InstanceInputs (in exp:InstanceDetails) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
exp:InstanceParametersApplied (in exp:InstanceDetails) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
exp:Instrument (in exp:Protocol) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:KeyField (in exp:SampleSet) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:Label (in exp:PropertyDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:LabelColor (in exp:SampleSet) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:labelColumn (type xs:string) |
Name of column to hold the label of the resolved concept.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:LastName (in exp:Contact) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:Material (type exp:MaterialBaseType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
exp:MaterialInput (in exp:Inputs) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
exp:MaterialLSID (type extension of xs:string) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 3+any attributes |
exp:MaterialLSIDPrefix (in exp:SampleSet) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:MaterialOutput (in exp:Outputs) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
exp:MaxInputDataPerInstance (in exp:Protocol) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:int |
Content: |
simple |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
exp:MaxInputMaterialPerInstance (in exp:Protocol) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:int |
Content: |
simple |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
exp:Measure (in exp:PropertyDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:MetricUnit (in exp:SampleSet) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:MvEnabled (in exp:PropertyDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:name (in exp:alias) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:Name (type xs:string) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:NameExpression (type xs:string) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:ObjectRefs (in exp:ProvenanceMap) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 2 attributes |
exp:ontology (in exp:PropertyDescriptor) |
This is a parent element for ontology related metadata.
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
exp:OntologyURI (in exp:PropertyDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:OutputDataObjects (in exp:ProtocolApplication) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 1 attribute and 1 element |
exp:OutputDataPerInstance (in exp:Protocol) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:int |
Content: |
simple |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
exp:OutputDataType (in exp:Protocol) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:OutputMaterialPerInstance (in exp:Protocol) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:int |
Content: |
simple |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
exp:OutputMaterials (in exp:ProtocolApplication) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 1 attribute and 1 element |
exp:OutputMaterialType (in exp:Protocol) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:Outputs (in exp:Protocol) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 2 elements |
exp:ParameterDeclarations (in exp:Protocol) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
exp:ParentField (in exp:SampleSet) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:ParentImportAlias (in exp:DataClass) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
exp:ParentImportAlias (in exp:SampleSet) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
exp:PredecessorAction (in exp:ProtocolAction) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 attribute |
exp:PrincipalConceptCode (in exp:PropertyDescriptor) |
Ontology concept code associated with this property descriptor.
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:Properties (type exp:PropertyCollectionType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
exp:Property (in exp:PropertyValidator) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
exp:PropertyDescriptor (type exp:PropertyDescriptorType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
exp:PropertyObject (type exp:PropertyObjectType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
exp:PropertyObjectDeclaration (in exp:PropertyObject) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
exp:PropertyURI (in exp:PropertyDescriptor) |
If not present, equivalent to enclosing Domain's DomainURI + "#" + Name
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:PropertyValidator (in exp:PropertyDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
exp:Protocol (in exp:ProtocolDefinitions) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
exp:ProtocolAction (in exp:ProtocolActionSet) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
exp:ProtocolActionDefinitions (in exp:ExperimentArchive) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 1 attribute and 1 element |
exp:ProtocolActionSet (in exp:ProtocolActionDefinitions) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
exp:ProtocolApplication (in exp:ProtocolApplications) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
exp:ProtocolApplicationParameters (in exp:ProtocolApplication) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
exp:ProtocolApplications (in exp:ExperimentRun) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 1 attribute and 1 element |
exp:ProtocolDefinitions (in exp:ExperimentArchive) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 1 attribute and 1 element |
exp:ProtocolDescription (in exp:Protocol) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:ProtocolLSID (type xs:string) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:ProvenanceMap (in exp:ProtocolApplication) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
exp:Query (in exp:FK) |
The name of the target table of the relationship, the "one" side of the many-to-one relationship.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:RangeURI (in exp:PropertyDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:RecommendedVariable (in exp:PropertyDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:RecordCount (in exp:ProtocolApplication) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
int |
Content: |
simple |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
exp:ReplacedByRunLSID (in exp:ExperimentRun) |
Reference to another run that defines an updated version of this data
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:required (in exp:alias) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:Required (in exp:PropertyDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:RootMaterialLSID (in exp:Material) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:SampleSet (in exp:SampleSets) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
exp:SampleSets (in exp:ExperimentArchive) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
exp:SampleType (in exp:DataClass) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:Scale (in exp:PropertyDescriptor) |
The defined maximum or fixed length of the data values in this column.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:int |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:Scannable (in exp:PropertyDescriptor) |
When true, field's values are included in Barcode searches.
Namespace: |
Type: |
boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:Schema (in exp:FK) |
The name of the schema in which the foreign key target is defined.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:SearchTerms (in exp:PropertyDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:SemanticType (in exp:PropertyDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:ShownInDetailsView (in exp:PropertyDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:ShownInInsertView (in exp:PropertyDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:ShownInLookupView (in exp:PropertyDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:ShownInUpdateView (in exp:PropertyDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:SimpleVal (type exp:SimpleValueType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
exp:Software (in exp:Protocol) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:SourceProtocolLSID (type xs:string) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:StartingInputDefinitions (in exp:ExperimentArchive) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 1 attribute and 2 elements |
exp:StartTime (in exp:ProtocolApplication) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
date |
Content: |
simple |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
exp:Status (in exp:Protocol) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:subtree (type xs:string) |
This is a slash ('/') separated path of concepts codes.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:TypeURI (in exp:PropertyValidator) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:URL (in exp:PropertyDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:value (in exp:alias) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:Value (in exp:Property) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exp:WorkflowTaskLSID (in exp:ExperimentRun) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
exportAsList (in form) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
externalSchemas (in folder) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
field (in returnUserFields) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 attribute |
fieldFilters (in advancedSearch) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
file (in initialData) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
fileBrowserConfig (in folder) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 attribute |
filesDefault (in notifications) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 2 attributes |
filter (in columnFilters) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 4 attributes |
filter (in fieldFilters) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 4 attributes |
folder |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 13 attributes and 23 elements |
Used: |
never |
folderType (in folder) |
The folder type to be used for this container along with which modules should be activated.
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
form (in forms) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 6 elements |
formData (in test) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
formOID (in form) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
forms (in cdiscConfig) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
freezerProConfig |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 5 elements |
Used: |
never |
ft:caption |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
Used: |
ft:controller |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
Used: |
ft:defaultModule |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
Used: |
ft:description |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
Used: |
ft:displayOrder |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:int |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
Used: |
never |
ft:folderIconPath |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
Used: |
ft:folderTab |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 2 attributes and 8 elements |
Used: |
ft:folderTabs |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
Used: |
ft:folderType |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Used: |
never |
ft:forceAssayUploadIntoWorkbooks |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
Used: |
ft:location |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
Used: |
ft:moduleName |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
Used: |
ft:modules |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
Used: |
ft:name |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
Used: |
ft:permission (in ft:permissions) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
ft:permission (in ft:webPart) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ft:permissions (in ft:folderTab) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
ft:preferredWebParts |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
Used: |
ft:property (in ft:webPart) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
ft:regex |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
Used: |
ft:requiredWebParts |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
Used: |
ft:selector |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 3 elements |
Used: |
ft:selectors |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
Used: |
ft:startURL (in ft:folderType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
ft:url |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
Used: |
ft:view |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
Used: |
ft:webPart |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 4 elements |
Used: |
ft:workbookType |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
Used: |
function (in functions) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
functions (in R) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
getUserFields (in freezerProConfig) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
group (in groups) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
group (type groupRefType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
groups (in folder) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
groups (in group in groups) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
groups (in roleAssignment) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
hidden (in ReportDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
id (in cohort in cohorts) |
Each id identifies a participant who is a member of the cohort.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
immunization (in immunizationEvent) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
immunizationEvent (in immunizationSchedule) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
immunizationSchedule (in studyDesign) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
immunogen (in immunogens) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
immunogenRef (in immunization) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
immunogens (in studyDesign) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
importAliases (in visitMap) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
importAll (in cdiscConfig) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
index (in indices) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
index (in webpart) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:int |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
indices (type IndicesType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
initialData (type InitialDataType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
inventory (in folder) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
JavaScript (in reportType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
keyCol (type xs:string) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
keyFieldOID (type xsd:string) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
keyType (in options : ListOptionsType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
lab (in Labs) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
label (in ReportDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
Labs (in assayDefinition) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
lib:dependencies (in lib:libraries) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
lib:dependency (in lib:dependencies) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
lib:libraries |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Used: |
never |
lib:library (in lib:libraries) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
lib:module (type lib:requiredModuleType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
lib:requiredModuleContext (in lib:libraries) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
lib:script (in lib:library) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
list (in lists) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 19 attributes |
lists |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
Used: |
never |
lists (in folder) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
location (in webpart) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
messagesDefault (in notifications) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 2 attributes |
missingValueIndicator (in folder) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
missingValueIndicator (in missingValueIndicator in folder) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 2 attributes |
missingValueIndicator (in missingValueIndicators) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 2 attributes |
missingValueIndicators (in folder) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
moduleName (in modules) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
moduleProperties (in folder) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
moduleProperty (in moduleProperties) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
modules (in folderType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
mp:canSetPerContainer (in mp:propertyDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
mp:clientDependencies (in mp:module) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
mp:defaultValue (in mp:propertyDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
mp:dependency (in mp:clientDependencies) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
mp:description (in mp:propertyDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
mp:editPermissions (in mp:propertyDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
mp:enableOptions (in mp:module) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
mp:excludeFromClientContext (in mp:propertyDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
mp:inputFieldWidth (in mp:propertyDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
mp:inputType (in mp:propertyDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
mp:label (in mp:propertyDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
mp:module |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Used: |
never |
mp:module (in mp:requiredModuleContext) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
mp:option (in mp:options) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 2 attributes |
mp:options (in mp:propertyDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
mp:permission (in mp:editPermissions) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
mp:properties (in mp:module) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
mp:propertyDescriptor (in mp:properties) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
mp:requiredModuleContext (in mp:module) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
mp:showDescriptionInline (in mp:propertyDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
name (in webpart) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
nameExpression (type xs:string) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
note (in assayRef) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
notifications (in folder) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
options (type DataClassOptionsType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
options (type ListOptionsType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
options (type SampleSetOptionsType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
page (in pages) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 5 attributes and 1 element |
pages |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
Used: |
never |
pages (in folder) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 attribute |
parentCol (in options : SampleSetOptionsType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
participantAliasDataset (in study) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 3 attributes |
participantView (in views) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 2 attributes |
permanent (in webpart) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
permission (in webpart) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
permissionContainerPath (in webpart) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
pg:group (in pg:participantCategory) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
pg:participantCategory (in pg:participantGroups) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
pg:participantGroups |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Used: |
never |
pg:participantId (in pg:group) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
pipeline-protocol-props |
Stored properties for a pipeline protocol
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 2 attributes and 1 element |
Used: |
never |
Prop (in Properties) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 attribute |
Properties (in ReportDescriptor) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
properties (in study) |
The directory that contains the export data for study properties.
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
properties (in webpart) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
property (in pipeline-protocol-props) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 attribute |
property (in properties) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 2 attributes |
protocolDocs (in study) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
q:description (in q:query) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:string |
Content: |
simple |
Nillable: |
(can be declared as nil using xsi:nil attribute in instance XML documents) |
Defined: |
q:metadata (in q:query) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:anyType |
Content: |
any |
Defined: |
q:query |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Used: |
never |
qc:assayDataDefault (in qc:studyqc) |
Specifies the default QC state for data linked to a study.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
qc:blankQCStatePublic (in qc:studyqc) |
This setting determines whether users see non-public data by default for data
that has not been assigned a QC state.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
qc:insertUpdateDefault (in qc:studyqc) |
Specifies the default QC state for data inserted or updated directly into a dataset.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
qc:pipelineImportDefault (in qc:studyqc) |
Specifies the default QC state for data imported through the pipeline.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
qc:qcstate (in qc:qcstates) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 5 attributes |
qc:qcstates (in qc:studyqc) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
qc:requireCommentOnQCStateChange (in qc:studyqc) |
This setting determines whether a comment is required when updating a QC state.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
qc:showPrivateDataByDefault (in qc:studyqc) |
This setting determines whether users see non-public data by default.
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
qc:studyqc |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 7 elements |
Used: |
never |
qcStates (in folder) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 2 attributes |
qcStates (in study) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 2 attributes |
queries (in folder) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
Query (in reportType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
queryName (in Query) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xs:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
R (in reportType) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
Defined: |
rc:dateField (in rc:form) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
rc:demographic (type xsd:boolean) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
rc:duplicateNamePolicy (in rc:redcapConfig) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
rc:form (in rc:forms) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 3 elements |
rc:formName (in rc:form) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
rc:forms (in rc:project) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
rc:matchSubjectIdByLabel (in rc:project) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
rc:mergeLookups (in rc:redcapConfig) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:boolean |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
rc:project (in rc:projects) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definitions of 6 elements |
rc:projectName (in rc:project) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
xsd:string |
Content: |
simple |
Defined: |
rc:projects (in rc:redcapConfig) |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
definition of 1 element |
rc:redcapConfig |
Namespace: |
Type: |
anonymous complexType |
Content: |
Defined: |
Includes: |
| |