You can associate sample descriptions (sample sets) with flow data and assign additional meanings to keywords.

Create "Samples" Sample Set

The flow module uses a sample set named "Samples" which you must define before you can upload it.

  • From the flow dashboard, click either Upload Sample Descriptions or Upload Samples. (If you don't see a link for "Upload Sample Descriptions", the sample set is already defined and you can proceed to uploading.
  • On the Create Sample Set page, you cannot change the Name of the set, it must be "Samples" in the flow module.
  • You need to provide a unique identifier for the samples in the set.
    • If your sample data contains a Name column, it will be used as the unique identifier.
    • If not, you can provide a Name Expression for uniquely identifying the samples. For example, if you have a "TubeName" column, you can tell the server to use it by making the name expression "${TubeName}" as shown here:
  • Click Create.
  • On the Edit Fields in Samples page, they are not shown on screen, but your sample set will always be created with the following fields, which cannot be changed.
    • Name - Text (String) - (Required) This field will be populated by the name expression you provide if it does not already exist in your data.
    • Description - Text (String)
    • Flag - Text (String)
  • Use Add Field to add all the additional fields in your sample set.
  • For example, the set of fields shown below is used in the Flow Tutorials.

When finished, click Save to create the sample set.

You will return to the main dashboard where you may notice in the Flow Experiment Management panel, the link Upload Sample Descriptions now reads Upload More Samples.

Upload Sample Descriptions

  • Once the "Samples" sample set is defined, clicking Upload Samples or Upload More Samples, will open the panel for importing your sample data.
  • Click Download Template to download a template showing all the necessary columns for your sample set.
  • You have two upload options:
    • Either Copy/Paste data into the Data box shown by default, and select the appropriate Format: (TSV or CSV). The first row should contain column names.
    • OR
    • Click Upload file (.xlsx, .xls, .csv, .txt) to open the file selection panel, browse to your spreadsheet and open it.
  • Import Options: The default behavior is to insert only new samples; ignore samples already in the set. Check the box if you want to Update data for existing samples during import.
  • For either option, choose whether to Import Lookups by Alternate Key.
  • Click Submit.

Once you've uploaded the sample information, you need to associate the sample columns with the FCS file's keywords using the sample join fields.

  • Click My Flow Tutorial (or other name of your folder) to return to the flow dashboard.
  • Click Define sample description join fields and specify the join as:
Sample PropertyFCS Property
"SampOrd""Sample Order"

  • Click Update.

You will now see a new column in the FCSFile table and can add it to your view:

  • Click My Flow Tutorial (or other name of your folder).
  • Click FCS Files in the Flow Summary on the right.
  • Click the Name FACSData.
  • Then select (Grid Views) > Customize Grid.
  • You should now see the columns from the Sample table that you may add to your grid.

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