Assign Cohorts

Cohorts can be used to group participants by particular characteristics, such as disease state, for efficient analysis. You may define cohorts by hand, and manually assign participants, or you can automatically define and assign to cohorts using a dataset field. In this tutorial example data, "group assignments" have been made based on diagnosis and are recorded in the demographics dataset at study enrollment.

  • Click the Participants tab and notice that all participants are "Not in any cohort", giving no way to filter them here.
  • Go to the Manage tab and click Manage Cohorts.
  • Under Automatic Participant/Cohort Assignment, select the "Demographics" dataset from the Participant/Cohort Dataset dropdown menu.
  • For the Cohort Field Name, select Group Assignment.
  • Click Update Assignments.
  • You will see the list of Defined Cohorts populate with the two existing values in the "Group Assignments" colum, followed by a list showing which participants are assigned to which cohort. Any participants without a group assignment will not be assigned to a cohort.

View Cohorts

Now return to the Participants tab and notice that there are now three checkboxes listed on the left: the original "Not in any cohort", and the two new cohorts you just created. Check all boxes and notice that now all 42 participants are "found". Hover over any option to show which participants are included in that option: excluded participant ids are grayed out, so you can get a quick visual indication of the prevalence of that option. Click a label or use checkboxes to filter the list displayed.

You can also type to filter using the entry box above the participant set.

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