First we add a file repository and populate it with some sample assay data.

Google Chrome is the recommended browser for this step.

Obtain Sample Data

  • Download the sample data:
  • Unzip the downloaded package to any location you like. This location is referred to as [LabKeyDemoFiles].
  • Leave the browser window showing the unzipped folder open: you'll upload the Assays subdirectory below.

Create Working Folder

To begin:
  • Log in to your server and navigate to your "Tutorials" project. Create it if necessary.
    • If you don't already have a server to work on where you can create projects, start here.
    • If you don't know how to create projects and folders, review this topic.
  • Create a new subfolder named "Assay Tutorial". Choose the folder type "Assay" and accept all other defaults.

Upload Sample Data

  • In your "Assay Tutorial" folder, add a Files web part on the left.
  • Drag and drop the Assays subdirectory from the unzipped [LabKeyDemoFiles] package into the target area of the Files web part.
  • When the upload is complete, you will see the "Assays" directory listed in the file repository.

Start Over | Next Step (2 of 6)

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