The Samples dashboard shows the types of samples available, and the relative volume for each in each month. This topic covers working with registered sample data. Click the Samples tile from the home page, or click Samples along the top menu bar from within the application.

To learn various methods for generating new sample IDs, see Generate Samples.

View All Sample Types

Sample Type names are listed on the left (and also directly accessible from the Samples header menu). The default view is a heatmap showing relative numbers of samples of each type collected in each month over the past year (darker squares indicate more samples). They can also be viewed as a datagrid for further sorting or filtering. Click a cell in the grid to see samples for that sample type in that specific month.

Sample Types are created outside the Biologics application following the guidance in this topic: Create Sample Type

View Samples of One Type

Click the sample type name link (to the left of the table or from the Samples menu in the menu bar) to see a grid view of all samples of that type across all months. Click an individual cell to see only the samples of that type created during that month.

Edit Samples

You can edit multiple samples of a given type with two different interfaces. Edit in a grid to make individual changes to each sample row. Choose to edit in bulk if most of the values you are setting will be the same for all the edited samples.

  • View the grid for the Sample Type that contains them.
  • Select one or more samples using the checkboxes.
  • Choosing either of these options from the Manage Samples menu:
    • Edit Selected Samples in Grid
    • Edit Selected Samples in Bulk

Edit Selected Samples in Grid

This option opens a grid where you will see current data for all the selected samples. Type directly in the grid to change values as necessary. Note that you cannot change the Sample Id.

Click Finish Updating # Samples when finished. The number you are editing will be included on the button.

Edit Selected Samples in Bulk

This option is useful when you want to change one of the columns of your sample data to the same value for a set of samples.

  • For each field that you want to update, click the Disabled/Enabled selector to set it to Enabled.
  • Enter the desired value, or to delete existing values enter nothing in the field.
  • Fields marked Disabled will not be changed.

Click Edit With Grid to open the grid editing interface with the values updated in bulk. You can continue to make further changes to individual rows in the grid before clicking Update Samples to save the changes.

Delete Samples

You cannot delete samples once they have had other samples derived from them, or have assay data dependencies. If you attempt to delete samples with these conditions, you will see this information in a popup and be able to continue to delete any eligible samples of the once you selected.

To delete one or more samples:

Learn more about sample deletion and how dependency restrictions are handled, review this LabKey Server topic: View Sample Types and Samples.

View a Single Sample

From any Samples grid view, click a Sample Id (name) to see details of that sample.

Edit Sample Details

Click to edit the description on the Overview tab. Changes made here are audited.

View Lineage

The Lineage tab shows any lineage of this sample. Learn more in this topic: Entity Lineage.

View Assays

On the Assays tab, you can see all the assay data available for that sample. Click the assay name to see each grid filtered to the specific sample you are viewing.

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