From the Manage Datasets page, administrators can click a dataset name to see and edit its properties and fields. The same interface can be reached by clicking Manage from the grid itself.

Action Buttons

Buttons offer the following options:

  • View Data: See the current contents of the dataset.
  • Edit Associated Visits/Timepoints: Select the visits/timepoints where data will be collected.
  • Manage Datasets: Click to go to the page for managing all datasets.
  • Delete Dataset: Delete the selected dataset including its definition and properties as well as all data rows and visitmap entries. You will be asked for confirmation as this action cannot be undone. After deleting a dataset, it is advisable to recalculate visits/dates and/or delete unused visits in order to clear any empty visit and participant references that may remain in the study.
  • Delete All Rows: Deletes all data rows, but the dataset definition and properties will remain. You will be asked for confirmation as this action cannot be undone.
  • Show Import History: Shows the files that were uploaded to the dataset after its initial creation. If a file was used to create/infer the dataset it will not appear here, nor will records that were added/updated individually.
  • Edit Definition: Modify dataset properties and add or modify the dataset fields.

Edit Dataset Properties

From the manage page, click Edit Definition. You will see and be able to edit the properties:

  • Name: Required. This name must be unique. It is used when identifying datasets during data upload.
  • Label: The name of the dataset shown to users. If no Label is provided, the Name is used.
  • Description: An optional longer description of your dataset.
  • Category: Assigning a category to a dataset will group it with similar datasets in the navigator and data browser. Select an existing category from the dropdown, or type a new one in this box to add it. Learn more about categories in this topic: Manage Categories.
  • In the Data Row Uniqueness section, select how the dataset is keyed. Details can be found in this topic.
  • If you rely on an Additional Key Field for row uniqueness, choose it from the dropdown.
    • When using an additional key field, check the box to Let server manage fields to make entries unique: The server will manage field values to ensure uniqueness. Numbers will be assigned auto-incrementing integer values; strings will be assigned globally unique identifiers (GUIDs).
  • Click Advanced Settings to review and edit the advanced settings.

Additional Key Columns

Some datasets may have more than one row for each participant/visit pairing. For example, a sample might be tested for neutralizing antibodies to several different virus strains. Each test (sample/date/virus combination) could then become a single unique row of a dataset. See sample table below. These data rows are not "legal" in a standard dataset because they both have the same participant/visit values. An additional key field is needed (such as VirusId in this example) to ensure a unique combination of participant/sequenceNum/key for each row.

ParticipantIdSequenceNum (=Visit)VirusIdValuePercent

Such a "user managed" key is assigned using the Additional Key Field pulldown, which will list the fields in the dataset.

Note: Demographic datasets are not eligible for additional keys.

Using Time as an Additional Key

In a date-based or continuous study, an additional third key option is to use the Time (from Date/Time) portion of a datestamp field. In cases where multiple measurements happen on a given day or visit (tracking primate weight for example), the time portion of the date field can be used as an additional key without requiring duplication of this information in an additional column.

Advanced Settings

Miscellaneous options are covered in the Advanced Settings popup for dataset properties:

  • Show dataset in overview: Checked by default; uncheck if you don't want to include this dataset in the overview grid.
  • DatasetID: By default, dataset IDs are automatically assigned. If you want to specify your own, use this option. All datasets must have a unique dataset ID.
  • Cohort Association: If this dataset should be associated with a specific cohort only, select it here, otherwise all datasets are associated with any cohort.
  • Tag: Use tags to provide additional ways to categorize your datasets.

Edit Dataset Fields

Below the dataset properties, you will see the set of fields, or columns, in your dataset. To edit fields and their properties, follow the instructions in this topic: Field Editor.

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