Biologics Admin: Grids, Detail Pages, and Entry Forms

Documentation: Version 20.7
Administrators can control which fields are shown in grids and detail views throughout LabKey Biologics. This includes views for Entities, Sample Types, Assays, and Issues/Workflow items. The topic below shows how to add and remove fields, change field names, and change field order.

Changing the default grid view will change how the grid appears in the application. Adding additional named grids will let a user select them from the omnibox by name.


  • To control grid views, exit the LabKey Biologics application by selecting Avatar > Switch to LabKey.
  • Find the grid view you wish to change and click it. For example, to change the grid view for Protein Sequences, click ProtSequence under DataClasses.

On the ProtSequence DataClass select (Grid Views) > Customize Grid.

To add a field, select it on the Available Fields panel. For example, below the Mass field is being added.

To remove a field, click that field's X in the Selected Fields panel. For example, below the Avg. Mass field is being removed.

To change a display label for a field, click that field's (cog) in the Selected Fields panel. For example, below the label for the Organisms field is being changed to Species.

To change field order, drag-and-drop the fields in the Selected Fields panel.

When the changes have been made as desired, click Save in the lower right.

Save the grid as the Default grid view for this page if you want it to show to users by default. You can also save it as a named grid if you want to let the user select it by name.

Once the changes have been saved, they will be reflected in the Biologics application.

Details Pages

To control the fields on a details page, follow the same process as described above, except save the view using the name "BIOLOGICSDETAILS", capitalized and one word.

Once saved, the corresponding details view will reflect the changed UI.

Custom Grid Views

When administrators create custom grid views, these can be exposed to non-admin users in the Biologics user interface.

For details on creating custom grid views see Customize Grid Views. If you wish to expose a grid view to users, ensure that "Make this grid available to all users" is checked when saving the view.

When custom grid views are available to a user, they will be on the Grid Views menu to the right of the download button on summary grids. If no grid views are defined for that grid (other than the 'default', which is always defined), the menu will be shown in a grayed-out state.

Clicking Grid Views shows all of the views available to the current user, including the default view.

You can also select a grid view via the View option in the omnibox above the grid itself.

Entry Forms

To modify an entity's entry form, modify the fields for that entity. For example, to add a field "NIH Registry Number" to the Cell Line entity:

  • From within the Biologics application, select Avatar > Switch to LabKey.
  • In the Data Classes list, click CellLine.
  • In the Data Class Properties panel, click Edit.
  • Click the Fields section to open it.
  • Click Add Field, and specify its Name and Data Type. Use the icon to expand the field and enter a Label if you don't want to use the name as the field label.
  • Click Save.
  • The field will appear in the entry form for Cell Lines when you Create a new one.

Follow similar procedures to delete or modify entry form fields for other entities.

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