The LabKey platform includes a generic infrastructure for implementing your own server actions and views.

Actions are the "surface area" of the server: everything you invoke on the server, whether a view on data or a manipulation of data, is some action or set of actions. An Action is implemented using the Model-View-Controller paradigm, where:

  • the Model is implemented as one or more Java classes, such as standard JavaBean classes
  • the View is implemented as JSPs, or other technologies
  • the Controller is implemented as Java action classes
Forms submitted to an action are bound to the JavaBean classes by the Spring framework.

Views are typically implemented in parent-child relationships, such that a page is built from a template view that wraps one or more body views. Views often render other views, for example, one view per pane or a series of similar child views. Views are implemented using a variety of different rendering technologies; if you look at the subclasses of HttpView and browse the existing controllers you will see that views can be written using JSP, GWT, out.print() from Java code, etc. (Note that most LabKey developers write JSPs to create new views. The JSP syntax is familiar and supported by all popular IDEs, JSPs perform well, and type checking & compilation increase reliability.)

Action Life Cycle

What happens when you submit to an Action in LabKey Server? The typical life cycle looks like this:

  • ViewServlet receives the request and directs it to the appropriate module.
  • The module passes the request to the appropriate Controller which then invokes the requested action.
  • The action verifies that the user has permission to invoke it in the current folder. (If the user is not assigned an appropriate role in the folder then the action will not be invoked.) Action developers typically declare required permissions via a @RequiresPermission() annotation.
  • The Spring framework instantiates the Form bean associated with the action and "binds" parameter values to it. In other words, it matches URL parameters names to bean property names; for each match, it converts the parameter value to the target data type, performs basic validation, and sets the property on the form by calling the setter.
  • The Controller now has data, typed and validated, that it can work with. It performs the action, and typically redirects to a results page, confirmation page, or back to the same page.

Example: Hello World JSP View

The following action takes a user to a static "Hello World" JSP view.


<%= h("Hello, World!") %>


// If the user does not have Read permissions, the action will not be invoked.
public class HelloWorldAction extends SimpleViewAction
public ModelAndView getView(Object o, BindException errors) throws Exception
JspView view = new JspView("/org/labkey/javatutorial/view/helloWorld.jsp");
view.setTitle("Hello World");
return view;

public NavTree appendNavTrail(NavTree root)
return root;

The HelloWorld Action is called with this URL:

Example: Submitting Forms to an Action

The following action processes a form submitted by the user.


This JSP is for submitting posts, and displaying responses, on the same page:

<%@ taglib prefix="labkey" uri="" %>
<%@ page import="org.labkey.api.view.HttpView"%>
<%@ page import="org.labkey.javatutorial.JavaTutorialController" %>
<%@ page import="org.labkey.javatutorial.HelloSomeoneForm" %>
<%@ page extends="org.labkey.api.jsp.JspBase" %>
HelloSomeoneForm form = (HelloSomeoneForm) HttpView.currentModel();
<labkey:errors />
<labkey:form method="POST" action="<%=urlFor(JavaTutorialController.HelloSomeoneAction.class)%>">
<h2>Hello, <%=h(form.getName()) %>!</h2>
<table width="100%">
<td class="labkey-form-label">Who do you want to say 'Hello' to next?: </td>
<td><input name="name" value="<%=h(form.getName())%>"></td>
<td><labkey:button text="Go" /></td>

Action for handling posts:

// If the user does not have Read permissions, the action will not be invoked.
public class HelloSomeoneAction extends FormViewAction<HelloSomeoneForm>
public void validateCommand(HelloSomeoneForm form, Errors errors)
// Do some error handling here

public ModelAndView getView(HelloSomeoneForm form, boolean reshow, BindException errors) throws Exception
return new JspView<>("/org/labkey/javatutorial/view/helloSomeone.jsp", form, errors);

public boolean handlePost(HelloSomeoneForm form, BindException errors) throws Exception
return true;

public ActionURL getSuccessURL(HelloSomeoneForm form)
// Redirect back to the same action, adding the submitted value to the URL.
ActionURL url = new ActionURL(HelloSomeoneAction.class, getContainer());
url.addParameter("name", form.getName());

return url;

public NavTree appendNavTrail(NavTree root)
root.addChild("Say Hello To Someone");
return root;

Below is the form used to convey the URL parameter value to the Action class. Note that the form follows a standard JavaBean format. The Spring framework attempts to match URL parameter names to property names in the form. If it finds matches, it interprets the URL parameters according to the data types it finds in the Bean property and performs basic data validation on the values provided on the URL:

package org.labkey.javatutorial;

public class HelloSomeoneForm
public String _name = "World";

public void setName(String name)
_name = name;

public String getName()
return _name;

URL that invokes the action in the home project:

Example: Export as Script Action

This action exports a query as a re-usable script, either as JavaScript, R, Perl, or SAS. (The action is surfaced in the user interface on a data grid, at Export > Script.)

public static class ExportScriptForm extends QueryForm
private String _type;

public String getScriptType()
return _type;

public void setScriptType(String type)
_type = type;

public class ExportScriptAction extends SimpleViewAction<ExportScriptForm>
public ModelAndView getView(ExportScriptForm form, BindException errors) throws Exception

return ExportScriptModel.getExportScriptView(QueryView.create(form, errors),
form.getScriptType(), getPageConfig(), getViewContext().getResponse());

public NavTree appendNavTrail(NavTree root)
return null;

Example: Delete Cohort

The following action deletes a cohort category from a study (provided it is an empty cohort). It then redirects the user back to the Manage Cohorts page.

public class DeleteCohortAction extends SimpleRedirectAction<CohortIdForm>
public ActionURL getRedirectURL(CohortIdForm form) throws Exception
CohortImpl cohort = StudyManager.getInstance().getCohortForRowId(getContainer(), getUser(), form.getRowId());
if (cohort != null && !cohort.isInUse())

return new ActionURL(CohortController.ManageCohortsAction.class, getContainer());

Packaging JSPs

JSPs can be placed anywhere in the src directory, but by convention they are often placed in the view directory, as shown below:


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