LabKey provides several tools for copying all or part of the wiki documentation from one project or folder to another. You must have administrative privileges on the folder to use any of these tools.

Copy all wiki pages to another folder

To copy all pages, follow these steps:

  1. Create the destination folder, if it does not already exist.
  2. From the source folder, select Copy from the triangle pulldown menu on the wiki TOC web part.
  3. Click the destination folder from the tree. 

If a page with the same name already exists in the destination wiki, the page will be given a new name in the destination folder (e.g., page becomes page1).

Copy all or some pages to another folder 

You can copy all or a portion of the pages in a wiki to another folder from the URL. The URL action is copyWiki.

The following table describes the available parameters.

URL Parameter Description 
sourceContainer The path to the container containing the pages to be copied.
destContainer The path to the destination container. If the container does not exist, it will be created.
path If destContainer is not specified, path is used to determine the destination container.

If copying only a branch of the wiki, specifies the page from which to start. This page and its children will be copied. 


This URL copies the page named default and any children to the destination container docs/newfolder, creating that folder if it does not yet exist. 


Copy a single page to another folder

You can copy a single page to another folder from the URL. The URL action is copySinglePage.

The following table describes the available parameters.

URL Parameter Description 
sourceContainer The path to the container containing the pages to be copied.
destContainer The path to the destination container. If the container does not exist, it will be created.
path If destContainer is not specified, path is used to determine the destination container.
pageName The name of the page to copy.


This URL copies only the page named config (and not its children) to the destination container docs/newfolder, creating that folder if it does not yet exist.




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