This topic explains how to configure a PostgreSQL database as an external data source.

A PostgreSQL database can also be used as LabKey Server's primary database server. For more information see Install PostgreSQL (Windows) and Install PostgreSQL (Linux, Unix or Macintosh).

The PostgreSQL Driver

LabKey Server requires the PostgreSQL driver to connect to PostgreSQL databases. Note that the LabKey Windows installer and manual install steps copies the PostgreSQL driver JAR file (postgresql.jar) to your Tomcat installation, in <tomcat-home>/lib, making it available to your LabKey Server.

To install the driver separately, see PostgreSQL JDBC Driver.

Configure the PostgreSQL Data Source

Add a <Resource> element, to your installation's labkey.xml configuration file. Use the configuration template below as a starting point.

Replace USERNAME and PASSWORD with the correct credentials.

If you are running LabKey Server against a remote installation of PostgreSQL, change the url attribute to point to the remote server.

<Resource name="jdbc/pgDataSource" auth="Container"
maxIdle="10" accessToUnderlyingConnectionAllowed="true"/>

Define a New Schema

To define a new schema from the PostgreSQL data source see Set Up an External Schema.

Related Topics

PostgreSQL JDBC Driver

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