This page describes how to import sample XAR files to workspaces on your LabKey Server. The individual files are described within subsequent tutorial topics.

Create a New Project

To create a new project in LabKey Server for working through the XAR tutorial samples, follow these steps:

  • Make sure you are logged into your LabKey Server site with administrative privileges.
  • Select Admin > Site > Create Project.
  • Enter a name for your new project and create it with default permissions and settings.
  • Select Admin > Folder > Management and click Create Subfolder.
  • Choose the Custom folder type. While not strictly necessary, doing so makes for easier clean-up and reset.
  • Confirm that the Experiment and Pipeline modules are selected.
  • Set the default tab to Experiment.
  • Save, and accept the default folder permissions.

Set Up the Data Pipeline

Next, you need to set up the data pipeline. The data pipeline is the tool that you use to import the sample xar.xml file. It handles the process of converting the text-based xar.xml file into database objects that describe the experiment. When you are running LabKey Server on a production server, it also handles queueing jobs -- some of which may be computationally intensive and take an extended period of time to import -- for processing.

To set up the data pipeline, follow these steps:

  • Download either or XarTutorial.tar.gz and extract to your computer.
  • Select the Pipeline tab, and click Setup.
  • Click Set a pipeline override.
  • Enter the path to the directory where you extracted the files.
  • Click Save.

Import Example1.xar.xml

You will need to import each example xar.xml file that you wish to use in this tutorial. This section covers how to import Example1.xar.xml. The process is the same for Examples 2 and 3. Examples 4, 5 and 6 use a different mechanism that is covered on the page that describes them.

To import the tutorial sample file Example1.xar.xml, follow these steps:

  • Click on the Experiment tab.
  • Click Upload XAR.
  • Click Browse or Choose File and locate the Example1.xar.xml file on your computer (in the same unpacked archive you downloaded).
  • Click Upload. You'll be taken to the Pipeline tab, where you'll see an entry for the imported file, with a status indication (e.g., LOADING EXPERIMENT or WAITING). If the status doesn't change soon to either COMPLETE or ERROR, you may need to refresh your browser window.

If the file imported successfully (COMPLETE):

  • Click the Experiment tab.
  • In the Experiment Runs section, click on Tutorial Examples to display the Experiment Details page.
  • Click on the Example 1 (Using Export Format) link under Experiment Runs to show the summary view.

If the import failed (ERROR):

Import Via Pipeline

You can also import a xar.xml file via the data pipeline as follows:

  • On the Pipeline tab, click Process and Import Data.
  • By default you will see the contents of the pipeline override directory you set above.
  • Select the desired file in the file tree and click Import Data.
  • Select Import Experiment and click Import.

Next Step >>> Example 1: Review a Basic XAR.xml

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