Guests are any users who access your LabKey site without logging in. In other words, they are anonymous users. The Guests group is a global group whose permissions can be configured for every project and folder. It may be that you want anonymous users to be able to view wiki pages and post questions to a message board, but not to be able to view MS2 data. Or you may want anonymous users to have no permissions whatsoever on your LabKey site. An important part of securing your LabKey site or project is to consider what privileges, if any, anonymous users should have.

Permissions for anonymous users can range from no permissions at all, to read permissions for viewing data, to write permissions for both viewing and contributing data. Anonymous users can never have administrative privileges on a project or folder.

Granting Access to Guest Users

You can choose to grant or deny access to guest users for any given project or folder.

To change permissions for guest users, follow these steps:

  • Go to > Folder > Permissions and confirm the desired project/folder is selected.
  • Add the guest group to the desired roles. For example, if you want to allow guests to read but not edit, then add the Guests group in the Reader section. For more information on the available permissions settings, see Configure Permissions.
  • Click Save and Finish.

Default Settings

Guest Access to the Home Project

By default guests have read access to your Home project page, as well as to any new folders added beneath it. You can easily change this by editing folder permissions to uncheck the "inherit permissions from parent" box and removing the guests group from the reader role. To ensure that guest users cannot view your LabKey Server site at all, simply removing the group from the reader role at the "home" project level.

Guest Access to New Projects

New projects by default are not visible to guest users, nor are folders created within them. You must explicitly change permissions for the Guests group if you wish them to be able to view any or all of a new project.

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