Trigger Scripts
Trigger scripts are attached to a database table or query. They run inside of the LabKey Server process using the Rhino JavaScript engine.
- Note that the current language version supported in our Rhino JavaScript environment for trigger scripts is ECMAScript 5.
Trigger scripts run when there is an insert/update/delete event on a table. They are executed in response to a LABKEY.Query.insertRows() or other HTTP API invocation, or in other contexts like ETLs. Typical uses for trigger scripts include:
- Validating data and rejecting it if appropriate
- Altering incoming data, such as calculating a value and storing it in a separate column
- Updating related tables by inserting, updating, or deleting from them
- Sending emails or calling other APIs
Trigger scripts are different from
transform scripts, which are attached to an assay design and are intended for transformation/validation of incoming assay data.
Trigger Script Location
Trigger scripts must be part of a deployed module, which must be
enabled in every project or folder in which you want the trigger(s) to fire.
Trigger scripts are associated with the schema and table based on a naming convention. Within the module, the trigger script must be under a
queries directory. If you are building a Java module or deploying it from source, nest this directory under
resources. For a file based module, you can omit that layer. Within the queries directory, use a subdirectory whose name matches the schema name. The file must be named after it's associated table, and have a .js file extension. For example, a trigger script to operate on
QUERY_NAME would be placed in:
Study Datasets:
Sample Types:
Data Classes:
Custom Schemas:
...where MODULE_NAME, SCHEMA_NAME and QUERY_NAME are the names of the module, schema and query associated with the table.
Learn more about module directory structures here:
Map of Module Files
Trigger Script Availability
Once the module containing your trigger scripts is deployed, it must be enabled in every project or folder where you want it to fire:
- Select the (Admin) > Folder > Management > Folder Type tab.
- Check the box for your module.
- Click Update Folder to enable.
Trigger scripts are applied in some but not all contexts, as summarized in the grid below. Import pathways are shown as columns here, and datatypes as rows:
| Insert New Row (single record) | Import Bulk Data (TSV or file import) | Import via Client APIs | Import via Archive (study, folder, list, XAR) | ETLsscripts |
Lists | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
Datasets | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
Module/External Schemas | yes | yes | yes | no | yes |
Assay (see Transform Scripts) | no | no | no | no | no |
Sample Type | yes | yes | yes | no | yes |
DataClass | yes | yes | yes | no | yes |
Script Execution
The script will be initialized once per batch of rows. Any JavaScript state you collect will be discarded, and will not be available to future invocations.
If your script runs for more than 60 seconds, it will be terminated with an error indicating that it timed out.
While a Platform Developer or Administrator must
add any trigger script, when it is run, it will be run as the user initiating the insert (thus triggering the script with that user's permissions). In a JavaScript trigger there is no way to override the permissions check, meaning the script cannot use any resources that would be unavailable to any user eligible to insert data.
However, in JavaScript, you can call Java class functions which may be able to override permissions in a few ways, including using
"LimitedUser" to limit specific 'additional' permissions, such as enforcing row uniqueness by checking a table that ordinary users can't access. Depending on the trigger content, some of the functionality could be moved to a Java class called from the trigger, which will allow bypassing some permissions. This can also make troubleshooting triggers a little easier as you can set breakpoints in the Java helper class but not in JS triggers.
Order of Execution
When multiple modules are enabled in the project or folder and several include trigger scripts for the same table, they will be executed in reverse module dependency order. For example, assume moduleA has a dependency on moduleB and both modules have trigger scripts defined for mySchema.myTable. When a row is inserted into myTable, moduleA's trigger script will fire first, and then moduleB's trigger script will fire.
Basic Process of Script Development
The basic process for adding and running scripts is as follows:
- Create and deploy the .module file that includes your trigger script.
- It is strongly recommended that you test triggers only on a staging or other test server environment with a copy of the actual data.
- Turn on the JavaScript Console: (Admin) > Developer Links > Server JavaScript Console.
- Enable the module in a folder.
- Navigate to the the module-enabled folder.
- Go to the table which has the trigger enabled (Admin) > Developer Links > Schema Browser > SCHEMA > QUERY.
- Click View Data.
- Insert a new record using (Insert Data) > Insert New Row.
- On the server's internal JavaScript console ( (Admin) > Developer Links > Server JavaScript Console), monitor which trigger scripts are run.
- Exercise other triggers in your script by editing or deleting records.
- Iterate over your scripts until you see the desired behavior before deploying for use with real data.
- require(CommonJS_Module_Identifier) - The parameter to require() is a CommonJS module identifier (not to be confused with a LabKey module) without the ".js" extension. The path is absolute unless it starts with a "./" or "../" in which case it is relative. Relative CommonJS module identifiers can't be used by trigger scripts, but they can be used by other shared server-side scripts in the "scripts" directory.
- init(event, errors) - invoked once, before any of the rows are processed. Scripts may perform whatever setup the need, such as pre-loading a cache.
- complete(event, errors) - invoked once, after all of the rows are processed
Depending on what operation is being performed, the following functions, if present in the script, will be called once per row. The function can transform and/or validate data at the row or field level before or after insert/update/delete. The script is not responsible for performing the insert, delete, or update of the row - that will be performed by the system between the calls to the before and after functions.
- beforeInsert(row, errors)
- beforeUpdate(row, oldRow, errors)
- beforeDelete(row, errors)
- afterInsert(row, errors)
- afterUpdate(row, oldRow, errors)
- afterDelete(row, errors)
Note that the "Date" function name is reserved. You cannot reference a field named "Date" in a trigger script as that string is reserved for the "Date" function.
Parameters and Return Values
- event - Either "insert", "update" or "delete", depending on the operation being performed.
- row - An object representing the row that is being inserted, updated or deleted. Fields of this object will represent the values of the columns, and may be modified by the script.
- errors - If any error messages are added to the error object, the operation will be canceled.
- errors.FIELD - For row-specific functions, associate errors with specific fields by using the fields' name as the property. The value may be either a simple string, or an array of strings if there are multiple problems with the field.
- errors[null] - For row-specific functions, use null as the key if the error is associated with the row in general, and not scoped to a specific field. The value may be either a simple string, or an array of strings if there are multiple problems with the row.
- return false - Returning false from any of these functions will cancel the insert/update/delete with a generic error message for the row.
Build String Values
String interpolation using template literals (substitution syntax like ${fieldName}) does not work in a trigger script. To build a compound string, such as using different fields from a row, build it using syntax like the following. Here we create both a header and detail row, which we can then
send it as an email:
var message = "<h2>New Participant: " + row.ParticipantId + " Received</h2><p>Participant Id: " + row.ParticipantId + "<br>Cohort: " + row.cohort + "<br>Start Date: " + row.Startdate + "<br>Country: " + + "</p>";
Note that the "Date" function name is reserved. You cannot reference a field named "Date" in a trigger script as that string is reserved for the "Date" function.
You also cannot use backticks (`) in a trigger script. If you do, you'll see logged errors about illegal characters.
Console Logging
A console API is provided for debugging purposes. Import it using
require("console"). It exports a function as defined by the
standard JavaScript console.
var console = require("console");
console.log("before insert using this trigger script");
console.log("after insert using this trigger script");
The output is available in the labkey.log file, and via JavaScript Console:
(Admin) > Developer Links > Server JavaScript Console.
Example: Validation
This example shows how to apply the validation "MyField Must be a Positive Number" before doubling it to store in a "doubledValue" field:
var console = require("console");
function init(event, errors) {
console.log('Initializing trigger script');
function beforeInsert(row, errors) {
console.log('beforeInsert invoked for row: ' + row);
if (!row.myField || row.myField <= 0) {
errors.myField = 'MyField must be positive, but was: ' + row.myField;
row.doubledValue = row.myField * 2;
Example: Batch Tags for Sample Type Upload
When multiple samples are uploaded at one time, this trigger script tags each sample in the batch with the same 6 digit batch id, to function as a sample grouping mechanism.
// Assumes the sample type has a text field named 'UploadBatchId'.
var console = require("console");
var uploadBatchTag = '';
function init(event, errors) {
console.log('Initializing trigger script');
// Set a 6 digit random tag for this batch/bulk upload of samples.
uploadBatchTag = Math.floor(100000 + Math.random() * 900000);
function beforeInsert(row, errors) {
console.log('beforeInsert invoked for row: ' + row);
row.uploadBatchId = uploadBatchTag;
Use extraContext
extraContext is a global variable that is automatically injected into all trigger scripts, enabling you to pass data between triggers in the same file and between rows in the same batch. It is a simple JavaScript object that is global to the batch of data being inserted, updated or deleted. The triggers can add, delete or update properties in extraContext with data that will then be available to other triggers and rows within the same batch. If a trigger is fired due to an ETL, the property "dataSource": "etl" will be in the extraContext object. This can be helpful to isolate trigger behavior specifically for ETL or other forms of data entry.
Using extraContext can accomplish two things:
- The server can pass metadata to the trigger script, like {dataSource: "etl"}. This functionality is primarily used to determine if the dataSource is an ETL or if there are more rows in the batch.
- Trigger scripts can store and read data across triggers within the same file and batch of rows. In the following example, the afterInsert row trigger counts the number of rows entered and the complete batch trigger prints that value when the batch is complete. Or for a more practical example, such a trigger could add up blood draws across rows to calculate a cumulative blood draw.
Example: Pass Data with extraContext
Example trigger that counts rows of an ETL insert batch using
extraContext to pass data between functions.
var console = require("console");
function afterInsert(row, errors) {
if (extraContext.dataSource === "etl") {
console.log("this is an ETL");
if (extraContext.count === undefined) {
extraContext.count = 1
else {
function complete(event, errors) {
if (extraContext.count !== undefined)
console.log("Total ETL rows inserted in this batch: " + extraContext.count);
LabKey JavaScript API Usage
Your script can invoke APIs provided by the following LabKey JavaScript libraries, including:
Note: Unlike how these JavaScript APIs work from the client side, such as in a web browser, when running server-side in a trigger script, the functions are synchronous. These methods return immediately and the success/failure callbacks aren't strictly required. The returned object will the value of the first argument to either the success or the failure callback (depending on the status of the request). To determine if the method call was successful, check the returned object for an 'exception' property.
Example: Sending Email
To send an email, use the Message API. This example sends an email after all of the rows have been processed:
var LABKEY = require("labkey");
function complete(event, errors) {
// Note that the server will only send emails to addresses associated with an active user account
var userEmail = "messagetest@validation.test";
var msg = LABKEY.Message.createMsgContent(LABKEY.Message.msgType.plain, 'Rows were ' + event);
var recipient = LABKEY.Message.createRecipient(, userEmail);
var response = LABKEY.Message.sendMessage({
If you want to send a more formatted message using details from the row that was just inserted, use the msgType.html and something similar to:
var LABKEY = require("labkey");
function afterInsert(row, errors) {
// Note that the server will only send emails to/from addresses associated with an active user account
var userEmail = "messagetest@validation.test";
var senderEmail = "";
var subject = "New Participant: " + row.ParticipantId;
var message = "<h2>New Participant: " + row.ParticipantId + " Received</h2><p>Participant Id: " + row.ParticipantId + "<br>Cohort: " + row.cohort + "<br>Start Date: " + row.Startdate + "<br>Country: " + + "</p>";
var msg = LABKEY.Message.createMsgContent(LABKEY.Message.msgType.html, message);
var recipient = LABKEY.Message.createRecipient(, userEmail);
var response = LABKEY.Message.sendMessage({
msgFrom: senderEmail,
msgRecipients: [recipient],
msgSubject: subject,
msgContent: [msg]
Shared Scripts / Libraries
Trigger scripts can import functionality from other shared libraries.
Shared libraries should be located in a LabKey module as follows, where MODULE_NAME is the name of the module and SCRIPT_FILE is the name of the js file. The second occurrence of MODULE_NAME is recommended, though not strictly required, to avoid namespace collisions. The directory structure depends on whether or not you are building from source.
When building the module from source:
In a deployed module:
Learn more about module directory structure here:
Map of Module FilesIn the example below, the 'hiddenVar' and 'hiddenFunc' are private to the shared script, but 'sampleFunc' and 'sampleVar' are exported symbols that can be used by other scripts.
shared.js (located at: myModule/resources/scripts/myModule/shared.js)
var sampleVar = "value";
function sampleFunc(arg) {
return arg;
var hiddenVar = "hidden";
function hiddenFunc(arg) {
throw new Error("Function shouldn't be exposed");
exports.sampleFunc = sampleFunc;
exports.sampleVar = sampleVar;
To use a shared library from a trigger script, refer to the shared script with the "require()" function. In the example below, 'require("myModule/shared")' pulls in the shared.js script defined above.
myQuery.js (located at: myModule/resources/queries/someSchema/myQuery.js)
var shared = require("myModule/shared");
function init() {
Invoking Java Code
JavaScript-based trigger script code can also invoke Java methods. It is easy to use a static factory or getter method to create an instance of a Java class, and then methods can be invoked on it as if it were a JavaScript object. The JavaScript engine will attempt to coerce types for arguments as appropriate.
This can be useful when there is existing Java code available, when the APIs needed aren't exposed via the JavaScript API, or for situations that require higher-performance.
var myJavaObject = org.labkey.mypackage.MyJavaClass.create();
var result = myJavaObject.doSomething('Argument 1', 2);
Examples from the Automated Tests
A few example modules containing scripts are available in the modules "simpletest" and "triggerTestModule", which can be found on GitHub here:
You can obtain these test modules (and more) by
adding testAutomation to your enlistment.
Even without attempting to install them on a live server, you can unzip the module structure and review how the scripts and queries are structured to use as a model for your own development.
The following example scripts are included in "simpletest":
- queries/vehicle/colors.js - a largely stand alone trigger script. When you insert a row into the Vehicle > Colors query, it performs several format checks and shows how error messages can be returned.
- queries/lists/People.js - a largely stand alone list example. When you insert/update/delete rows in the People list, this trigger script checks for case insensitivity of the row properties map.
Tutorial: Set Up a Simple Trigger Script
To get started, you can follow these steps to set up the "Colors.js" trigger script to check color values added to a list.
- First, have a server and a file-based module where you can add these resources.
- If you don't know how to create and deploy file based modules, get started here: Tutorial: Hello World Module
- You can use the downloadable helloworld.module file at the end of that topic as a shortcut.
- Within your module, add a file named "Colors.js" to the queries/lists directory, creating these directories if they do not exist. In a file-based module, these directories go in the root of the module; in a module that you build, you will put them inside the "resources" directory.
- Paste the contents of colors.js into that file.
- Deploy the revised version of this module (may not be needed if you are editing it directly on a running server).
- On your server, in the folder where you want to try this trigger, enable your module via (Admin) > Folder > Management > Folder Management.
- In that folder, create a list named "Colors" and use this json to create the fields: Fields_for_Colors_list.fields.json
- To see the trigger script executing, enable > Developer Links > Server JavaScript Console.
- Insert a new row into the list.
- Use any color name and enter just a number into the 'Hex' field to see an example error and the execution of the trigger in the JavaScript Console.
- Once you correct the error (precede your hex value with a #), your row will be inserted - with an exclamation point! and the word 'set' in the "Trigger Script Property" field.
Review the Colors.js code and experiment with other actions to see other parts of this script at work. You can use it as a basis for developing more functional triggers for your own data.
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