You can use the client-side language of your choice to access LabKey's
HTTP Interface. This topic gives an example of using Perl.
The Perl script logs into a server and retrieves the contents of a list query called "i5397." It prints out the results decoded using JSON.
Note that JSON 2.07 can be downloaded from .
Please use the script attached to this page (click the link to download) in preference to copy/pasting the same script below. The wiki editor is known to improperly escape certain common perl characters. The code below is included for ease of reference only.#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
# Fetch some information from a LabKey server using the client API
my $email = '';
my $password = 'mypassword';
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;
my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
$ua->agent("Perl API Client/1.0");
# Setup variables
# schemaName should be the name of a valid schema.
# The "lists" schema contains all lists created via the List module
# queryName should be the name of a valid query within that schema.
# For a list, the query name is the name of the list
# project should be the folder path in which the data resides.
# Use a forward slash to separate the path
# host should be the domain name of your LabKey server
# labkeyRoot should be the root of the LabKey web site
# (if LabKey is installed on the root of the site, omit this from the url)
my $schemaName="lists";
my $queryName="MyList";
my $project="MyProject/MyFolder/MySubFolder";
my $host="localhost:8080";
my $labkeyRoot = "labkey";
my $protocol="http";
#build the url to call the selectRows.api
#for other APIs, see the example URLs in the HTTP Interface documentation at
my $url = "$protocol://$host/$labkeyRoot/query/$project/" .
#Fetch the actual data from the query
my $request = HTTP::Request->new("GET" => $url);
$request->authorization_basic($email, $password);
my $response = $ua->request($request);
# use JSON 2.07 to decode the response: This can be downloaded from
use JSON;
my $json_obj = JSON->new->utf8->decode($response->content);
# the number of rows returned will be in the 'rowCount' propery
print $json_obj->{rowCount} . " rows:n";
# and the rows array will be in the 'rows' property.
foreach my $row(@{$json_obj->{rows}}){
#Results from this particular query have a "Key" and a "Value"
print $row->{Key} . ":" . $row->{Value} . "n";
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