Biologics LIMS offers strong support for antibody discovery operations. Learn more in our webinar:
Biologics LIMS includes all features available in
LabKey LIMS, plus:
- Bioregistry and classification engine
- Media management
- Molecule property calculator
- Plate and plate set support
- Antibody screening and characterization
Learn more about the features and capabilities of Biologics LIMS
on our website.
Each new release of Biologics LIMS includes all the feature updates covered in the Sample Manager and LIMS Release Notes, plus additional features listed on this page.
Release 25.2, February 2025 (Coming soon)
- Support for advanced plate layouts using using dilutions. Use the "Replicate Group" column to denote a plate well as a replicate instead of setting the well's type to "Replicate". Replicate wells have a type of "Sample" and the "Replicate Group" will need to be filled in.
- Navigate from a plate set to any notebooks that reference it.
Release 25.1, January 2025
- Users can now specify hit selection filter criteria on Assay fields. When a run is imported/edited the hit selections for the assay results will be recomputed and automatically applied based on these criteria.
- Navigate from a sample to the plate(s) it has appeared on.
- Perform many types of linear regression analysis and chart them.
- Exclude outlier plate-based assay data points and have that reflected in calculations and charts.
Release 24.12, December 2024
- Plate sets can be referenced from an Electronic Lab Notebook.
Release 24.11, November 2024
Major antibody discovery and characterization updates including:
- Campaign modeling with plate set hierarchy support.
- Plan plates easier with graphical plate design and templating.
- Automate routine analyses from raw data collected.
- Perform hit selection from multiple, integrated results across plates and data types.
- Generate instructions for liquid handlers and other instruments.
- Automatically integrate multi-plate results including interplate replicate aggregation.
- Dive deeper into plated materials to understand their characteristics and relationships from plates.
Release 24.10, October 2024
- Charts are added to LabKey LIMS, making them an "inherited" feature set from other product tiers. (docs)
Release 24.7, July 2024
- A new menu has been added for exporting a chart from a grid. (docs)
Release 23.12, December 2023
- The Molecule physical property calculator offers additional selection options and improved accuracy and ease of use. (docs)
Release 23.11, November 2023
- Update Mixtures and Batch definitions using the Recipe API. (docs | docs)
Release 23.9, September 2023
- Charts, when available, are now rendered above grids instead of within a popup window. (docs)
Release 23.4, April 2023
- Molecular Physical Property Calculator is available for confirming and updating Molecule variations. (docs)
- Lineage relationships among custom registry sources can be represented. (docs)
- Users of the Enterprise Edition can track amounts and units for raw materials and mixture batches. (docs | docs)
Release 23.3, March 2023
- Potential Backwards Compatibility Issue: In 23.3, we added the materialExpDate field to support expiration dates for all samples. If you happen to have a custom field by that name, you should rename it prior to upgrading to avoid loss of data in that field.
- Note that the built in "expirationDate" field on Raw Materials and Batches will be renamed "MaterialExpDate". This change will be transparent to users as the new fields will still be labelled "Expiration Date".
Release 23.2, February 2023
- Protein Sequences can be reclassified and reannotated in cases where the original classification was incorrect or the system has evolved. (docs)
- Lookup views allow you to customize what users will see when selecting a value for a lookup field. (docs)
- Users of the Enterprise Edition may want to use this feature to enhance details shown to users in the "Raw Materials Used" dropdown for creating media batches. (docs)
Release 23.1, January 2023
- Heatmap and card views of the bioregistry, sample types, and assays have been removed.
- The term "Registry Source Types" is now used for categories of entity in the Bioregistry. (docs)
Release 22.12, December 2022
- Projects were added to the Professional Edition of Sample Manager, making this a common feature shared with other tiers.
Release 22.11, November 2022
- Improvements in the interface for managing Projects. (docs)
- New documentation:
- How to add an AnnotationType, such as for recording Protease Cleavage Site. (docs)
- The process of assigning chain and structure formats. (docs)
Release 22.10, October 2022
- Improved interface for creating and managing Projects in Biologics. (docs)
Release 22.9, September 2022
- When exploring Media of interest, you can easily find and review any associated Notebooks from a panel on the Overview tab. (docs)
Release 22.8, August 2022
- Search for data across projects in Biologics. (docs)
Release 22.7, July 2022
- Biologics subfolders are now called 'Projects'; the ability to categorize notebooks now uses the term 'tags' instead of 'projects'. (docs | docs)
Release 22.6, June 2022
- New Compound Bioregistry type supports Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry System (SMILES) strings, their associated 2D structures, and calculated physical properties. (docs)
- Define and edit Bioregistry entity lineage. (docs)
- Bioregistry entities include a "Common Name" field. (docs)
Release 22.3, March 2022
- Mixture import improvement: choose between replacing or appending ingredients added in bulk. (docs)
Release 21.12, December 2021
Release 21.11, November 2021
- Apply a container specific prefix to all bioregistry entity and sample naming patterns. (docs)
Release 21.10, October 2021
- Customize the definitions of data classes (both bioregistry and media types) within the application. (docs)
Release 21.9, September 2021
- Customize the names of entities in the bioregistry (docs)
Release 21.7, July 2021
- Removal of the previous "Experiment" mechanism. Use workflow jobs instead.
Release 21.5, May 2021
- Nucleotide and Protein Sequence values can be hidden from users who have access to read other data in the system. (docs)
Release 21.4, April 2021
- Specialty Assays can now be defined and integrated, in addition to Standard Assays (docs)
- Creation of Raw Materials in the application uses a consistent interface with other sample type creation (docs)
Release 21.3, March 2021
- Biologics LIMS begins using the same user interface as Sample Manager.
- Release notes for this and other versions prior to this change can be found in the documentation archives.
Release 17.1, March 2017