How to Cite LabKey Server
If you use LabKey Server for your research, please reference the platform using one of the following:
General Use: Nelson EK, Piehler B, Eckels J, Rauch A, Bellew M, Hussey P, Ramsay S, Nathe C, Lum K, Krouse K, Stearns D, Connolly B, Skillman T, Igra M.
LabKey Server: An open source platform for scientific data integration, analysis and collaboration. BMC Bioinformatics 2011 Mar 9; 12(1): 71.
Proteomics: Rauch A, Bellew M, Eng J, Fitzgibbon M, Holzman T, Hussey P, Igra M, Maclean B, Lin CW, Detter A, Fang R, Faca V, Gafken P, Zhang H, Whitaker J, States D, Hanash S, Paulovich A, McIntosh MW:
Computational Proteomics Analysis System (CPAS): An Extensible, Open-Source Analytic System for Evaluating and Publishing Proteomic Data and High Throughput Biological Experiments. Journal of Proteome Research 2006, 5:112-121.
Flow: Shulman N, Bellew M, Snelling G, Carter D, Huang Y, Li H, Self SG, McElrath MJ, De Rosa SC:
Development of an automated analysis system for data from flow cytometric intracellular cytokine staining assays from clinical vaccine trials. Cytometry 2008, 73A:847-856.
Additional Publications
A full list of LabKey publications is available