Common Markdown Syntax

When you create a wiki page using Markdown, the following commonly used syntax will generate the listed effects.

**bold text** bold text
_italicized text_ italicized text
~~strikethrough~~ strikethrough
- Three Equivalent Symbols
+ For Indicating Bullet
* List Items
  • Three Symbols For
  • Indicating Bullet
  • List Items
- Indent Two Spaces For
  - Each Level of
    - Nested Bullet
  • Indent Two Spaces For
    • Each Level of
      • Nested Bullet
1. create a
2. numbered list
3. of items
  1. create a
  2. numbered list
  3. of items.
[link to labkey]( link to labkey
[link with hover]( "Hover Text") link with hover
`inline code` inline code is surrounded by backticks


Block of code with ``` on surrounding lines as "fences"


Block of code with ``` (backticks) on surrounding lines as "fences"

Section Headings

The Markdown implementation LabKey uses requires a space between the # symbol(s) and heading text.

# Title Heading

Title Heading (h1)

## Main Heading

Main Heading (h2)

### Sub Heading

Sub Heading (h3)

#### Minor Heading

Minor Heading (h4)

##### Inner Heading
Inner Heading (h5)

On-Page Anchors Not Supported

The Markdown implementation LabKey uses does not support use of on-page anchors. To create links within a page, use either HTML or Wiki syntax which support setting anchors.

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