Premium Feature — Available with LabKey Sample Manager and Biologics LIMS. Learn more or contact LabKey.

This topic describes how to use LabKey applications, including Sample Manager and Biologics LIMS, with BarTender for printing labels for your samples. Note that an administrator must first complete the one-time steps to configure BarTender Automation. Once configured any user may send labels to the web service for printing. Configuration steps and management of label templates:

Print BarTender Labels for Samples

Before you can print labels, an administrator must have completed the one-time setup steps in this topic, and configured LabKey to print labels. The admin can also specify a folder-specific default label file. When printing, the user can specify a different variant to use.

After configuring BarTender, all users will see the options to print labels in the user interface.

Print Single Sample Label

Open the Sample Type from the main menu, then open details for a sample by clicking the SampleID.

Select Print Labels from the Manage menu.

In the popup, specify (or accept the defaults):
  • Number of copies: Default is 1.
  • Label template: Select the template to use among those configured by an admin. If the admin has set a default template, it will be preselected here, but you can use the menu or type ahead to search for another.
  • Click Yes, Print to send the print request to BarTender.

Print Multiple Sample Labels

From the Sample Type listing, use checkboxes to select the desired samples, then select Print Label from the (Export) menu.

In the popup, you have the following options:
  • Number of copies: Specify the number of labels you want for each sample. Default is 1.
  • Selected samples to print: Review the samples you selected; you can use the Xs to delete one or more of your selections or open the dropdown menu to add more samples to your selection here.
  • Label template: Select the template to use among those configured by an admin. You can type ahead to search. The default label template file can be configured by an admin.
  • Click Yes, Print to send the print request to BarTender.
The labels will be sent to the web service.

Download BarTender Template

To obtain a BarTender template in CSV format, select > Download Template.


If you have trouble printing to BarTender from Chrome (or other Chromium-based browser), try again using Firefox.

Error Reporting

If there is a problem with your configuration or template, you will see a message in the popup interface. You can try again using a different browser, such as Firefox, or contact an administrator to resolve the configuration of BarTender printing.

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