Query Metadata for Assay Tables
You can associate query metadata with an individual assay design, or all assay designs that are based on the same type of assay (e.g., "NAb" or "Viability"). This topic describes how to associate metadata with either scope.
Assay table names are based upon the name of the assay design. For example, consider an assay design named "MyViability" that is based on the "Viability" assay type. This design would be associated with three tables in the schema explorer: "MyViability Batches", "MyViability Runs", and "MyViability Data."
Associate Metadata with a Single Assay Design
To attach query metadata to the "MyViability Data" table, you would normally create a
/queries/assay/MyViability Data.query.xml metadata file. This would work well for the "MyViability Data" table itself. However, this method would not allow you to re-use this metadata file for a new assay design that is also based on the same assay type ("Viability" in this case).
Associate Metadata with All Assay Designs Based on a Particular Assay Type
To enable re-use of the metadata, you need to create a query metadata file whose name is based upon the assay type and table name. To continue our example, you would create a query metadata file called
/assay/Viability/queries/Data.query.xml to attach query metadata to
all data tables based on the Viability-type assay, including your "MyViability" instance.
As with other query metadata in module files, the module must be enabled on the
> Folder > Management > Folder Type tab. Learn more in this topic:
Project and Folder Settings.
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