Custom Assay Fields for LabKey Luminex Transform Script
To set up a Luminex assay to run the LabKey Luminex transform script used in the Luminex Assay Tutorial Level II, you need to include certain custom fields in the assay design. The script outputs results into these fields. This page provides details on these output fields.
For reference, the fields included by default in a Luminex assay design are listed on the Luminex Properties page.
Appendix A: Custom Batch Fields
Name |
Label |
Type |
Description |
TransformVersion |
Transform Script Version |
Text |
Version number of the transform script (to be populated by the transform script) |
Appendix B: Custom Run Fields
Name |
Label |
Type |
Description |
SubtNegativeFromAll |
Subtract Negative Bead from All Wells |
Boolean |
Controls whether or not the negative bead values should be subtracted from all wells or just the unknowns. Values for the negative bead for each run are reported on the Negative (Bead Number) tab of the run's Excel file. |
StndCurveFitInput |
Standards/Controls FI Source Column |
Text |
The source column to be used by the transform script for the analyte/titration curve fit calculations of Standards and QC Controls (if lookup configured, choices include: FI, FI-Bkgd, and FI-Bkgd-Neg). |
UnkCurveFitInput |
Unknowns FI Source Column |
Text |
The input source column to be used by the transform script when calculating the estimated concentration values for non-standards (if lookup configured, choices include: FI, FI-Bkgd, and FI-Bkgd-Neg). |
NotebookNo |
Notebook Number |
Text |
Notebook number |
AssayType |
Assay Type |
Text lookup |
Lookup into lists.AssayType |
ExpPerformer |
Experiment Performer |
Text |
Who performed the experiment |
CalculatePositivity |
Calculate Positivity |
Boolean |
Whether or not the calculate the positivity for this run |
BaseVisit |
Baseline Visit |
Decimal |
The baseline visit for positivity calculations |
PositivityFoldChange |
Positivity Fold Change |
Integer - lookup with 3x and 5x |
Fold change used to determine positivity |
Appendix C: Custom Excel File Run Properties
Name |
Label |
Type |
Description |
FileName |
File Name |
Text |
The file name |
AcquisitionDate |
Acquisition Date |
DateTime |
ReaderSerialNumber |
Reader Serial Number |
Text |
PlateID |
Plate ID |
Text |
RP1PMTvolts |
RP1 PMT (Volts) |
Decimal |
RP1Target |
RP1 Target |
Text |
Appendix D: Custom Analyte Properties
Name |
Label |
Type |
Description |
LotNumber |
Lot Number |
Text |
The lot number for a given analyte |
NegativeControl |
Negative Control |
Boolean |
Indicates which analytes are to be treated as negative controls (i.e. skip curve fit calculations, etc.) |
Appendix E: Custom Data Fields
The fields in this section are optional and not required for the script to run. They may be useful to statisticians.
Name |
Label |
Type |
Description |
FIBackgroundNegative |
FI-Bkgd-Neg |
Decimal |
The value calculated by the transform script by subtracting the FI-Bkgd of the negative bead from the FI-Bkgd of the given analyte bead |
Positivity |
Positivity |
Text |
The transform script calculated positivity value for unknowns |
Slope_4pl |
Slope Param 4 PL |
Decimal |
Optional. The transform script calculated slope parameter of the 4PL curve fit for a given analyte/titration |
Lower_4pl |
Lower Param 4 PL |
Decimal |
Optional. The transform script calculated lower/min parameter of the 4PL curve fit for a given analyte/titration |
Upper_4pl |
Upper Param 4 PL |
Decimal |
Optional. The transform script calculated upper/max parameter of the 4PL curve fit for a given analyte/titration |
Inflection_4pl |
Inflection Param 4 PL |
Decimal |
Optional. The transform script calculated inflection parameter of the 4PL curve fit for a given analyte/titration |