You can copy some or all of the lists in a folder to another folder or another server using export and import. Exporting a list archive packages up selected lists into a list archive: a file that conforms to the LabKey list export format. The process is similar to study export/import/reload. Information on the list serialization format is covered as part of Study Object Files and Formats.


To export lists in a folder to a list archive, you must have administrator permission to all selected lists. On the Manage Lists page, you may see lists from the parent project as well as the /Shared project.

  • In the folder that contains lists of interest, select > Manage Lists.
  • Use the checkboxes to select the lists of interest.
    • If you want to export all lists in the current container, filter the Folder column to show only the local lists, or use > Folder Filter > Current Folder.
    • Check the box at the top of the column to select all currently shown lists.
  • Click Export List Archive.
  • All selected lists are exported into a zip archive.


To import a list archive:

  • In the folder where you would like to import the list archive, select > Manage Lists.
  • Select Import List Archive.
  • Click Choose File or Browse and select the .zip file that contains your list archive.
  • Click Import List Archive.
  • You will see the imported lists included on the Available Lists page.

Note: Existing lists will be replaced by lists in the archive with the same name; this could result in data loss and cannot be undone.

If you exported an archive containing any lists from other containers, such as the parent project or the /Shared project, new local copies of those lists (including their data) will be created when you import the list archive.

Auto-Incrementing Key Considerations

Exporting a list with an auto-increment key may result in different key values on import. If you have lookup lists make sure they use an integer or string key instead of an auto-increment key.

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