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This tutorial can be completed using a free 30-day trial version of LabKey Server.

Securely sharing research data presents a number of major challenges:

  • Different groups and individuals require different levels of access to the data. Some groups should be able to see the data, but not change it. Others should be able to see only the data they have submitted themselves but not the entire pool of available data. Administrators should be able to see and change all of the data. Other cases require more refined permission settings.
  • PHI data (Protected Health Information data) should have special handling, such as mechanisms for anonymizing and obscuring participant ids and exam dates.
  • Administrators should have a way to audit and review all of the activity pertaining to the secured data, so that they can answer questions such as: 'Who has accessed this data, and when?'.
This tutorial shows you how to use LabKey Server to overcome these challenges. You will learn to:
  • Assign different permissions and data access to different groups
  • Test your configuration before adding real users
  • Audit the activity around your data
  • Provide randomized data to protect PHI
As you go through the tutorial, imagine that you are in charge of a large research project, managing multiple teams, each requiring different levels of access to the collected data. You want to ensure that some teams can see and interact with their own data, but not data from other teams. You will need to (1) organize this data in a sensible way and (2) secure the data so that only the right team members can access the right data.

Tutorial Steps:

First Step

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