After assay data has been imported, you may need to reimport runs from time to time. For instance, an import property may have been incorrectly entered, or a transformation script may have added new calculations which the user would like to run against previously entered data. You cannot simply import the same data file again - previously imported files are remembered by the server to prevent duplicate data - and attempting to import a file again will raise an error.
The reimport process for runs varies by type of instrument data. The general process for a typical assay is outlined in this topic. Different reimport methods are available for the following assays:
- Neutralizing Antibody (NAb) Assays - See details below.
- Luminex Reimport - When exclusions have been applied, reimporting Luminex runs offers the option to retain the exclusions. A walkthrough of this process is included in the Luminex tutorial. See Reimport Luminex Runs for more information.
- Some assay types, including ELISA, ELISpot, and FluoroSpot do not offer a reimport option. If the reimport link or button is not available, the only way to reimport a run is to delete it and import it again from the original source file.
Reimport Assay Data
To reimport a run when the
Re-Import Run option is available, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Runs view of the assay data.
- Select the run to reimport using the checkbox. In this example, an incorrect "AssayId" value was entered for a run in the general assay tutorial.
- Click Re-Import Run. Note that the reimport link will only be active when a single run is checked.
- The import process will be run again, generally providing the previously entered import properties as defaults. Change properties as needed, click Next to advance import screens.
- The Run Data section offers options on reimport:
- Click Show Expected Data Fields to display them for reference.
- Click Download Spreadsheet Template to download the expected format.
- Choose one of the upload options:
- Paste in a tab-separated set of values: Enter new data into the text area.
- Upload one or more data files: The previously updated file (or files) for this run will be shown. You can use the previous file(s) or click the button to choose a new file (or files).
- Click Save and Finish.
The reimported run has a new rowID and is no longer part of any batch the original run belonged to. Note: if you subsequently delete the reimported run, the original run will be restored.
Note: If you don't see data after reimporting runs, you may have saved the default view of your grid with a run filter. Every time a run is reimported, the run ID is different. To resolve this issue:
- Select (Grid Views) > Customize Grid.
- Click the Filters tab.
- Clear the Row ID filter by clicking the 'X' on it's line.
- Click Save, confirm Default grid view for this page is selected.
- Click Save again.
Assay Event Logging
When you re-import an assay run,
three new assay events are created:
- Assay Data Re-imported: This event is attached to the "old run" that is being replaced.
- Assay Data Loaded: This event is for the "new run" you import.
- Added to Run Group: The new run is added to a new batch, named for the date of the reimport.
Example: Reimport NAb Assay Data
A specific scenario in which Neutralizing Antibody runs must be reimported is
to apply alternate curve fits to the data.
NAb assay data must be deleted before it can be rerun, and the run may consist of multiple files - a metadata and run data file. NAb assay tools do not offer the general reimport option outlined above. Instead, each
Run Details page includes a
Delete and Reimport button. The tools remember which file or files were involved in the metadata and run data import.
To reimport a NAb run:
- Navigate to the NAb Assay Runs list.
- Click Run Details for the run to reimport.
- Click Delete and Reimport.
- The previously entered import properties and files will be offered as defaults. Make changes as needed, then click Next and if needed, make other changes.
- Click Save and Finish.
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