In this step, you will create a LabKey Study folder and set some basic study properties.
Create a Study Folder
- Log in to your server and navigate to your "Tutorials" project. Create it if necessary.
- If you don't already have a server where you can create projects, start here.
- If you don't know how to create projects and folders, review this topic.
- Create a new subfolder named "Study Tutorial". Choose folder type "Study" and accept other defaults.
- On the home page of the new study, click Create Study.
Set Study Properties
Study properties are where you store some basic information about your study, including a name, identifying information, etc. You may also customize the word used to describe individual participants in a study (participants, subjects, mice, etc.) Learn more about study properties in this topic:
Study Properties.
For this tutorial, we use the default study properties, described below:
- Look and Feel Properties
- Study Label - This label is displayed in the main banner. Customize this label as desired.
- Subject Noun (Singular) & (Plural) - These nouns are used throughout the user interface. Other possible values: "Subject", "Primate", "Mouse", etc.
- Subject Column Name - When importing data, LabKey assumes this column contains the primary id/key values.
- Visit/Timepoint Tracking
- Timepoint Style - This choice depends on the nature of the data being imported. "Dates" means that the study timepoints are imported as calendar dates. "Assigned Visits" means that the timepoints are imported as a sequence of integers or decimal numbers. Use "Continuous" if your data has calendar dates and the observational window has no set beginning or end dates. This choice cannot be modified after the study has been initially created.
- Start Date - Used in Date-based studies as the default first date of observation. This value is ignored in Visit-based and Continuous studies.
- Security
- Security Mode - Four different security styles are available.
- On the Create Study dialog, leave all the default values in place.
- Note that if you would like to create additional custom study properties, you can do so at the project level. Learn more in: Study Properties.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Create Study.
- After creating the study, you will initially land on the Manage tab, the administrator dashboard for managing many study features.