This topic covers the quickest and easiest way to set up to run LabKey tutorials using a trial of LabKey Server. If you want to run tutorials not supported in the trial environment, or already have access to LabKey Server, see Set Up for Tutorials: Non-Trial.

Tutorials you can run using a free trial of LabKey Server are marked with this badge.

LabKey Trial Server

To run the LabKey Tutorials, you need three things:

1. An account on a running LabKey Server instance. After contacting us about your specific research needs and goals, we may set up a LabKey Trial Server for you:

2. A basic familiarity with navigation, folder creation, and utilities like web parts. Use this topic alongside your trial instance: 3. A tutorial workspace project where you are an administrator and can create new folders.

  • On the home page of your trial server, click Create.
  • Enter the Name "Tutorials".
    • If you plan to share this trial server with other users, consider using "Tutorials-Username" so you can each have your own workspace.
  • Leave the default folder type selection, "Collaboration," and click Next.
  • Leave the default permission selection, "My User Only," and click Next.
  • Skip the advanced settings and click Finish.
  • (Optional): To enhance this project, you can add some custom content making it easier to use.


Congratulations, you can now begin running tutorials in this workspace on your trial server.

I'm Ready for the Tutorial List

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