This topic describes how to edit the properties of visits and timepoints that have been created within your study. Whether they were created manually or inferred automatically when data was imported, you can use the instructions here to customize them.

Edit a Visit or Timepoint

From the Manage tab in a study, select either Manage Visits or Manage Timepoints.

Click (Edit) to the left of the name of the visit or timepoint you want to change.

In addition to the properties available when you first create visits or timepoints, you can edit some additional properties and associations.

Visit Properties

A detailed listing of visit properties is available in this topic:

Timepoint Properties

A detailed listing of timepoint properties is available in this topic:

Protocol Day

The Protocol Day is the expected day for this visit according to the protocol, used for study alignment. It cannot be set explicitly when defining new visits or timepoints, but can be edited after creation. For a date-based study, the default protocol day is the median of the timepoint range. For a visit-based study, the default is 0.


If the visit or time point is associated with a particular cohort, you can select it here. The pulldown lists cohorts already defined in the study. By default, timepoints and visits are not specific to individual cohorts.

Note that when a visit or timepoint is assigned to a particular cohort, it will only be shown in the study navigator when that cohort (or "All" cohorts) is selected.

Edit Multiple Visits From One Page

Using the Change Properties link on the "Manage Visits" page, you can change the label, cohort, type, and visibility of multiple visits from a single page. This option is not available for timepoints.

Note that this link only allows you to change a subset of visit properties while the "Edit" link lets you change all properties for a single visit at a time.

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