This topic is specifically for users
upgrading for the first time to a version of LabKey Server using an embedded installation of Tomcat for the first time. You only need to complete this migration once.
If you are installing a new LabKey Server with embedded Tomcat, learn about setting in this topic:
In releases prior to 24.3, the LabKey Server configuration file contained settings required for LabKey Server to run on Tomcat, including SMTP, Encryption, LDAP, and file roots. Typically this <CONFIG_FILE> was named "ROOT.xml", "labkey.xml", or it could have another name. In addition, settings in the Tomcat "server.xml" and "web.xml" file controlled other parts of the Tomcat configuration. This topic provides guidance to help you migrate from this older way of configuring a standalone Tomcat installation to the new embedded distribution system which uses an file for most configuration details.
Locate Prior Configuration Details
Your prior installation of standalone Tomcat 9 can be in a variety of locations on your machine. We use the shorthand <CATALINA_HOME> for that location. Under that top level, you'll find key configuration files:
- <CONFIG_FILE>: This is usually named "ROOT.xml" or "labkey.xml" and is located under <CATALINA_HOME>/conf/Catalina/localhost.
- server.xml and web.xml: These are located under <CATALINA_HOME>/conf.
As a general best practice, review these older files side by side with the new to make it easier to selectively migrate necessary settings and values. Note that if you were not using a particular setting previously, you do not need to add it now, even if it appears in our defaults.
The File
Beginning with 24.3.4, the template included with your distribution shows values to be substituted bracketed with "@@", i.e. @@jdbcPassword@@. Replace the entire placeholder, including the @@s, with the value for your system.
In previous versions of 24.3, the template used several indicators of values to be substituted with your own:
- Placeholders highlighted with "@@", i.e. @@jdbcPassword@@, as used in the prior <CONFIG_FILE>
- Bracketed values like <placeholder>
- Fictional /paths/that/should/be/provided
Replace necessary placeholders (removing any bracketing characters like "@@" or "<>") with the correct values for your unique installation. Note also that in some previous configuration settings, values were surrounded by double quotes, which are not used in the file.
General ".properties" formatting expectations apply, such as escaping of backslashes for Windows file paths (e.g. C:\\labkey\\labkey).
Note as you populate necessary values in, you may need to remove the leading # to uncomment lines you need to activate.
Translate <CONFIG_FILE> Settings
The application properties in this section were previously defined in your <CONFIG_FILE>, i.e. "ROOT.xml", "labkey.xml", or similar.
Primary Database (labkeyDataSource) Settings
All deployments need a labkeyDataSource as their primary database. In the file, complete these lines, taking the values highlighted with "@@" before and after from your previous configuration file(s):
For example, if your <CONFIG_FILE> settings included a <Resource> tag like:
<Resource name="jdbc/labkeyDataSource" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
This section in the file would be:
Additional properties available are listed in the file and can also be customized as needed for the primary data source.
If you have been using
Microsoft SQL Server as your primary database with the jTDS driver (i.e. a driverClassName of "net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver"), you will need to perform intermediate LabKey version upgrades prior to upgrading to 24.3. Learn more about switching drivers
Encryption Key
As you are upgrading, if you had previously
set an encryption key, you must provide the same key, otherwise the upgrade will be unable to decrypt the database.
If you are upgrading and had
not previously set a key, set one now by
providing a key for this property instead of the <encryptionKey> placeholder:
Premium Feature: With a Premium Edition of LabKey Server, administrators can change the encryption key as described in this topic:
Context Path Redirect
The name of the <CONFIG_FILE> determined whether there was a
context path in the URL in your previous version. Beginning with version 24.3, the application will be deployed at the root and no context path will be necessary.
If your previous <CONFIG_FILE> was named "ROOT.xml", the application was deployed in the root already and you can skip this section.
If the config file was named anything else, such as "labkey.xml", you will want to include a
legacyContextPath so that any URLs or API calls using that context path will be redirected to the root context and continue to work. As a common example, if the file was named "labkey.xml", include this in your
Note: Do not set the contextPath property, which is also present, and commented out in the file.
External Data Sources (If needed)
If your <CONFIG_FILE> does not include any
additional data sources, you can skip this section.
If you do have additional data sources, you will create (and uncomment) a new set of these lines for each external data source resource tag you included previously, substituting the unique name for the data source where you see "@@extraJdbcDataSource@@" in the property name:
For example, if your <CONFIG_FILE> Resource for "anotherMsSqlDataSource" included these lines:
<Resource name="jdbc/anotherMsSqlDataSource" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
url="jdbc:sqlserver://SERVER_NAME:1433;databaseName=DATABASE_NAME;trustServerCertificate=true;applicationName=LabKey Server;"
You would include these lines for this data source, noting the customization of the property name as well as copying the value over:
context.resources.jdbc.anotherMsSqlDataSource.url=jdbc:sqlserver://SERVER_NAME:1433;databaseName=DATABASE_NAME;trustServerCertificate=true;applicationName=LabKey Server;
Add an additional set of these lines for each external data source in the <CONFIG_FILE>. The
additional properties available for the primary data source can also be set for any external data source following the same pattern of customizing the property name with the data source name.
If you have been using
Microsoft SQL Server as an external data source with the jTDS driver (i.e. a driverClassName of "net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver"), you will need to perform intermediate LabKey version upgrades prior to upgrading to 24.3. Learn more about switching drivers
SMTP Mail Server Settings
If you were not using an SMTP mail server to send messages from the system, you can skip this section.
If you were using SMTP, in your <CONFIG_FILE> transfer the corresponding values to these, uncommenting any lines you require:
If your <CONFIG_FILE> includes a custom GUID, you can maintain it by uncommenting this property and setting it to your GUID:
The docBase Attribute
docBase attribute you needed to set in the Context tag of your config file is no longer required.
Translate Tomcat Settings (server.xml and web.xml)
The settings in this section were previously defined in your "server.xml" or "web.xml" files, located in <CATALINA_HOME>/conf.
HTTPS and Port Settings
If you were using HTTPS, set the HTTPS port previously in use (typically 443 or 8443).
If you were not using SSL, i.e. only using HTTP, set the port you were using previously (typically 80 or 8080), then skip the rest of this section, leaving the ssl settings commented out:
If you were using HTTPS (SSL/TLS), migrate any of the properties below that you have been using from your "server.xml" file. Not all properties are required. Learn more about Spring Boot's port configuration options
here .
Example settings are included in the commented out lines provided in the template which may evolve over time. Be sure to uncomment the lines you use in your configuration:
## Typically either PKCS12 or JKS
Note that you only need to use a key-alias if your previous server.xml configuration file used an alias. If you did not use an alias, leave this line commented out.
@@keyStore@@ must be replaced with the full path including name of the key-store-file, which is now in this location: <LABKEY_HOME>/SSL. Provide that as the full path for server.ssl.key-store. Note that this path uses forward slashes, even on Windows.
We recommend that you use this set of ciphers:
On Linux, 443 is a privileged port, so you may also need to
grant access to it in the service file.
Respond to Both HTTP and HTTPS Requests
We leverage Spring Boot’s regular config for the primary server port, which can be either HTTP or HTTPS. If your server needs to respond to both HTTP and HTTPS requests, an additional property enables a separate HTTP port. Uncomment this line to enable responses to both HTTP and HTTPS requests:
Session Timeout
If you need to adjust the HTTP session timeout from Tomcat's default of 30 minutes, you would previously have edited the <CATALINA_HOME>/conf/web.xml, separate from the LabKey webapp. Now you will need to migrate that setting into, uncommenting this line to make it active and setting the desired timeout:
Learn more about options here:
SpringBoot Common Application Properties
Custom Header Size Settings (Uncommon)
If you were previously increasing the default Tomcat header size (or request header size) by customizing either or both of these properties in your server.xml file:
<Connector port="8080" maxHttpHeaderSize="65536" maxHttpRequestHeaderSize="65536"...
You will now set the same values in the file by adding:
Note that this is not a commonly needed property setting. Learn more about when it could be required in this topic:
CORS Filters (Uncommon)
If you were using CORS filters in your web.xml, set one or more of the following properties as needed to support your configuration. These properties would have been in the <filter> definition itself:
If you had a <filter-mapping> section for those filters defining a <url-pattern>, provide it here:
Any of the above being set will register a CorsFilter.
More Tomcat Settings (Uncommon)
Additional settings you may have had in your web.xml include the following to override various Tomcat defaults. If you are using one of these, use the corresponding property in the new configuration:
Setting in web.xml | New property to set to match |
useSendFile=false | server.tomcat.useSendfile=false |
disableUploadTimeout=true | server.tomcat.disableUploadTimeout=true |
useBodyEncodingForURI=true | server.tomcat.useBodyEncodingForURI=true |
Custom Log4j Logging Configuration (Log4j2.xml) (Uncommon)
If you had previously
customized the log4j2.xml file at <LABKEY_HOME>/labkeywebapp/WEB-INF/classes/log4j2.xml, contact your Account Manager to determine whether the customizations are still necessary and if so, how this file may need to change. Customizing this file is not recommended if it can be avoided, as with each future upgrade, you may need to continue to make changes.
At a minimum, any custom version would need to be in a new location such as under <LK_ROOT>/apps (i.e. /labkey/apps/log4j2.xml). The <LABKEY_HOME>/labkeywebapp location will be overwritten during upgrades.
Provide the path to the new location in the file as follows:
## Use a custom logging configuration
Custom Tomcat Access Log Pattern (Uncommon)
If you were previously enabling and using a different pattern for the Tomcat access log, you may need to uncomment and update the pattern in these lines:
## Enable tomcat access log
#server.tomcat.accesslog.pattern=%h %l %u %t "%r" %s %b %D %S %I "%{Referer}i" "%{User-Agent}i" %{LABKEY.username}s
Note that previously your custom pattern may have needed any double quotes (") to be replaced with '"'. For example, instead of "%r", your pattern would have included "r". When moving your pattern to the application properties file, replace any '"' with double quotes, as shown in the example.
Extra Webapps
If you deploy other webapps, most commonly to deliver a set of static files, you will provide a context path to deploy into as the property name after the "context.additionalWebapps." prefix, and the value is the location of the webapp on disk in these properties:
Content Security Policy
The template example for development/test servers includes several example values for:
Jump directly to
the relevant section here.
SAML Authentication (Premium Feature)
If you are using SAML authentication, and were previously using a config file named "ROOT.xml", the ACS URL is unchanged and your configuration will continue to work as before.
If you are using SAML and were previously using a config file named "labkey.xml", you will now be deploying at the root, the ACS URL will no longer include the "labkey" context path. You will need to edit the configuration on your SAML Identity Provider to update the ACS URL to be the same as that shown in the LabKey UI for your SAML authentication configuration.
Learn more in this topic:
LDAP Synchronization (Premium Feature)
If you are using
LDAP Synchronization with an external server, these settings must be included, the first two referencing the
premium module:
If you are using the
OpenLdapSync module, all properties and values match the above list,
except use the following value for both the type and factory properties:
JMS Queue (If using ActiveMQ)
If you are using
an ActiveMQ JMS Queue configuration with your pipeline, you also need these lines in your file. Find the required values in your previous <CONFIG_FILE>:
context.resources.jms.ConnectionFactory.description=JMS Connection Factory
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