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The Protein Details page displays information about the selected protein and all of the peptides from the run that matched that protein. To reach the protein details as shown here, use the filtering and grouping options described in this topic: View an MS2 Run.

Protein Details

The Protein Details page displays the following information about the protein:

  • The protein sequence's name, or names in the case of indistinguishable proteins
  • The sequence mass, which is the sum of the masses of the amino acids in the protein sequence
  • The amino acid (AA) coverage, which is the number of amino acids in the peptide matches divided by the number of amino acids in the protein and multiplied by 100
  • The mass coverage, which is the sum of the masses of the amino acids in the peptide matches divided by the sequence mass of the protein and multiplied by 100

Protein Sequence

The Protein Details page also displays the full amino acid sequence of the putative protein in black. The matched peptide sequences are highlighted, as shown in the following image.


The Annotations section of the page displays annotations for the protein sequence, including (if available):

  • The sequence name
  • The description of the sequence
  • Name of the gene or genes that encodes the sequence
  • Organisms in which the sequence occurs
  • Links to various external databases and resources
The annotations web part is collapsed by default, but can be expanded by clicking the [+] in the web part title.


The Peptides section of the page displays information about the peptide matches from the run, according to any currently applied sorting or filtering parameters.

Tip: If you’re interested in reviewing the location of certain peptides in the sequence or wish to focus on a certain portion of the sequence, try sorting and filtering on the SequencePosition column in the PeptideProphet results view.

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