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Biologics: Search Options

Premium Feature — Available with LabKey Biologics LIMS. Learn more or contact LabKey.

You can search the Biologics Registry in the following ways:

Note: If you use a '-' hyphen as a name separator element (as shown in the example below), search will interpret it as a minus, or NOT operator. The hyphen also breaks the search term into two elements. To search for a name with a hyphen you need to surround the search term with double quotes.
  • Searching for "ns-1" will find the nucleotide sequence NS-1 and related elements.
  • Searching for ns-1 without the quotes may return unexpected results.

Application-Wide Search

To search the entire application, including Bioregistry sources, Samples, and Notebooks, enter your search terms in the search box in the header or on narrower browsers, select Search then enter the search term.

If you search from the top level Biologics home, you'll see results for all folders plus the /Shared container. If you search from a specific folder, you'll see results for that local container, the top level Biologics home, and the /Shared container. Results are displayed with type and a few details. Click the name to go to that result.

Search for Samples in Bulk

Using the dropdown menu to the right of the search box, you can:

List the Barcodes or Sample IDs in the search box, each on its own line (i.e. separated by new line/carriage return), then click Find samples.

Learn more in the companion topic for Sample Manager :

Sample Finder

Use the Sample Finder tool to search for samples based on filter criteria using:

  • Sample Properties: Properties common to all Sample Types (built-in properties) that are also shown in the default view of the Sample Type.
  • Registry Parent Properties: Properties of parent Bioregistry entities like a Molecule or Expression System from which the samples were drawn.
  • Sample Parent Properties: Properties of parent samples and/or raw materials.
  • Assay Properties: Find samples based on assay results.

You can also open the sample finder from sample and entity source grids by selecting relevant rows, then opening Report > Find Derivatives in Sample Finder. Any filters applied to the grid will be used as search criteria to help you find samples derived from parents with those criteria.

A few example scenarios include:

  • Find me all the samples from Molecule "M-101" (or Expression Run "X-101", etc) so that I can see whether I have enough material for a stability study.
  • Find me all samples from either the "CHO" Cell Line or from the "CB-223" Cell Bank, so that I can check whether we already have data from the "cIEF" Assay letting me examine their quality and/or obtain those results if we don't have them yet.
For example, open the Registry/Sample Parent Properties tile(s) to see a full listing of candidate types and fields. You can add filtering criteria tiles for as many sets of criteria as you require.

The set of samples matching the criteria will be shown as you build your filters. Note that if you leave and reenter the Sample Finder, your accumulated criteria will be retained. You can also save your search criteria by name to keep track of common searches.

Learn more in the companion topic for Sample Manager:

Grid Search

Above a grid, you can use the Search box to search any text fields in the data grid.

Note that hidden columns are not searched. To control which columns are visible and which are hidden, see Biologics: Grids, Detail Pages, and Entry Forms.

Filter Grids

You can use the button, or the filter option on any column header menu to filter the grid. Select the column to filter, enter an expression and comparator value if needed, and provided the first expression is not exclusive, you can add a second filtering expression on the same column.

Once filtered, the grid will display only those rows where the expression is true (for the selected column).

To add a new filter, click the button, or the filter option on any column header menu.

Sort Columns

Sorts control the order in which rows are displayed. Below we have sorted the Name column 'descending', i.e. from high to low values. Note that for a text column like "Name", this is an alphabetical sort, not numerical. You can see "PS-9" listed first here.

Data Grid Selections and Paging

Data grids provide a column of checkboxes on the left for selecting each individual row. Check the box in the header row to select all rows on the current page.

The "Current page" button includes a dropdown menu.

  • You can jump to the first page or last page and see a count of the total number of pages.
  • Control the page size using options: 20, 40, 100, 250, 400.
  • Step one page forward or back using the "<" and ">" buttons.

Once you've selected a page of rows, you will see buttons to select all the rows on all pages, or clear those already checked.

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