Quick Charts provide a quick way to assess your data without deciding first what type of visualization you will use. A best guess visualization for the data in a single column is generated and can be refined from there.

Create a Quick Chart

  • Navigate to a data grid you wish to visualize.
  • Click a column header and select Quick Chart.

Depending on the content of the column, LabKey Server makes a best guess at the type and arrangement of chart to use as a starting place. A numeric column in a cohort study, for example, might be quickly charted as a box and whisker plot using cohorts as categories.

Refine the Chart

You can then alter and refine the chart in the following ways:

  • View Data: Toggle to the data grid, potentially to apply filters to the underlying data. Filters are reflected in the plot upon re-rendering.
  • Export: Export the chart as a PDF, PNG, or Script.
  • Help: Documentation links.
  • Chart Type: Click to open the plot editor. You can change the plot type to any of the following and the options for chart layout settings will update accordingly. In the plot editor, you can also incorporate data from other columns.
  • Chart Layout: Click to customize the look and feel of your chart; options available vary based on the chart type. See individual chart type pages for a descriptions of options.
  • Save: Click to open the save dialog.

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