Tutorials provide a "hands on" introduction to the core features of LabKey Server, giving step-by-step instructions for building solutions to common problems. They are listed roughly from simple to more complex, and you can pick and choose only those that interest you.

In order to run any tutorial, you will need:

If you are using a free trial of LabKey Server, this video will show you around:

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New User Tutorials

Study Tutorials

Assay Tutorials

Tutorial: Import Experimental / Assay DataImport, manage, and analyze assay data.
Tutorial: NAb AssayWork with NAb experiment data from 96-well or 384-well plates
Tutorial: ELISA AssayImport and analyze ELISA experiment data.
Tutorial: ELISpot Assay TutorialImport and analyze ELISpot experiment data.
Discovery Proteomics TutorialStorage and analysis for high-throughput proteomics and tandem mass spec experiments.
Tutorial: Import a Flow WorkspaceLearn about using LabKey for management, analysis, and high-throughput processing of flow data.
Tutorial: Set Flow BackgroundLearn about setting metadata and using backgrounds with flow data.
Luminex Assay Tutorial Level IManage, quality control, analyze, share, integrate and export Luminex immunoassay results. 
Luminex Assay Tutorial Level IIUse advanced features for quality control and analysis. 
Expression Matrix Assay TutorialTry an example expression matrix assay. 

Developer Tutorials

Biologics Tutorials

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